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Turns out Rifton is the least of my worries. I found out that the people that murdered my parents are now seeking for me. Why I don't know probably to take the rest of the family out in case we know too much or found something we weren't supposed to which I did. 

I didn't find out about that till two days after my run-in with Rifton at my job. I came  home called out to Elijah I was home but he never replied so I headed up towards his office when I overheard a conversation that mentioned me so I listened more closely and that's when I heard " seems like the people who killed their parents are wanting to kill Athena now." I was confused about who they meant till Elijah spoke: "I should have known that Greggor wasn't gonna stop till Athena and her brother is dead, or Athena since it seems like O'Conner is helping Greggor out."

When I heard that my brother, my only living sibling was working for the guy that wants to kill me I was shocked. So I walked off and headed towards the gym and gun range where Derrick and Nate were at. I need you two to help me out" I tell them. They look between each other than a me "with what?" Nate asked. "One teach me to defend myself and the other teach me how to shoot" I replied.

"Alright, when shall we start?" Derrick asked "Well today we start with shooting, then tomorrow training and from there we fluctuate between the two," I tell them. They both nodded and then Nate takes me into the shooting range and shows me a Glock forty. I pick it up and examine it and see its missing its clip. I seen the clip was on the table so I grabbed it and Nate showed me how to put it in the gun then how to remove it.

When he let me try and pushed it up into the gun and then realized it. "Good now put it back in grabbing them ear muffs and lets practice," he said So I pushed the clip in and grabbed the ear muffs setting the gun down before I placed the muffs over my ears and picked up the gun before I walked over to where he stood. "See the dummy?" I nodded " I want you to aim at it and shoot where ever you can in there but try to hit the heart or head."  He tapped my shoulder and handed my eye protectors, I slipped them on then faced the dummy and point the Glock and shot.

 "Not bad but your stance is off," he said  I looked at the side of the dummy where I shot and then at him. "Stand up straight, realx your shoulders, and point the gun." I did as he told me and then shot and hit the dummy's chest above the heart. " getting there, shooting takes practice but that is ok we will take as much practice as we need. Now go to Derick and train" Nate said removing the gun from my hands while I removed the glasses and headphones. I went into the little changing room and slipped on a work out outfit and put my hair in a high ponytail before I walked into the gym and stood before Derick.

"Alright somewhat you know so far and then we will go from there," he tells me. So I Show him all that I know which is a chokehold, arm breaker, roundhouse, and groin hit.

"Alright that is great to know. Now here is a couple that helps also ok." I nodded and waited. "What you want to do is bend your arm so it lays flat in the air," he said then showed me I copied what he was showing me. "With that, you are going to use your arm to hit me in my throat when that happens I will react and lean back holding my throat which will have my torso our towards you when that happens to use your elbow and hit me in my solar plexus" he showed me where that was at. " From there I will be bent forward which gives you the perfect opportunity for the groin shot."

I nodded and we practiced it. I didn't actually hit him in the groin I faked it. But knew that in real life it would hit them.

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