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Once I walked inside I went to head up to my room but Elijah stopped me. "What the hell happen you all took so damn long, it's not hard finding a dress and being done with it," he said then looked at me but I didn't look at him instead I was looking down. "Athena look at me," he said and I shook my head," I said look at me" he repeated then lifted my head and stared at me.

"Why have you been crying?" he asked "she found her dress" Benji replied since I said nothing. "So where is it?" Elijah asked " they wouldn't let her have it" Der answered this time. "What do you mean wouldn't let her have it?" I sniffled and he looked at me. "It's a plus-sized one that they had me try on, I asked if there was one in my size the lady said no, then said this one could not have alterations done to it, so I walked out showed everyone it then started crying. and told them what I was told before I headed back got dressed and left but the manager tried to get us to buy a dress or something from them."

He wiped my eyes and then leaned close grabbing the back of my neck and kissed my forehead. I automatically closed my eyes enjoying his touch then opened them when he pulled back and dropped his hand. " You two will go back buy that dress, and then take it to my aunt, she is the best seamstress so she will be able to have it fit Athena," he told Der and Benji. They both nodded and walked out the door. I watched as he motioned my mom to leave before he grabbed my hand.

"Thank you, and I am sorry I am not usually like this but when you see that dress you will know why I am like this," I tell him. "I am sure if it has you this emotional that you look breathtaking in it" he stated. I smiled and hugged him which threw him off guard but he hugged me back none the less.

I asked him to have Der or Benji tell his aunt that is she has to cut off parts of the dress to not toss it I want it he told me he would tell her his self then he took me outside to the back yard where he sat me down and we got to know each other.


" I want to say sorry again for that spoiled kid thing I did, I am not like that what so ever. it's just with this being me marrying you I want to have the perfect dress. So that is one of the reasons we took so long, I couldn't find a perfect dress. So we went to five bridal shops till the last one and that's when I found that dress and they told me I couldn't have it since it wasn't in my size and there could be no alterations done to it" I explained myself.

"Don't pull the stunt again because you will not be getting your way next time" he warned. I sighed and nodded.

He took me inside and I told everyone goodnight before I walked out got into the rental car trunk and grabbed my things then shut it and about shit my pants when I saw Nate standing there " fucking hell" I said which made him laugh. "Sorry I didn't think I scared you," he said while laughing then took my luggage and walked inside. I followed and headed upstairs with him following me.

"Thank you," I said to him as I take my things and bid him good night before I head into my bedroom and get ready to call it a night but Elijah had other plans. he walked in and shut the door with a duffle bag on his shoulder. "Can I help you?" I asked. He just dropped his bag then took off his shirt and pants before getting into my bed.

I grabbed me some clothes and headed into the shower and got freshened up then walked outplaced my clothes in the hamper and climbed into the bed. "Come closer," he said I did like I was told and got closer to him. "You're a very beautiful woman Athena which I am sure you know this, if not then whoever you have been with or told you something different is blind," he tells me. "Well thank you I wasn't much on looks, been called plain, and simple" I replied then looked down at his chest tattoo.

"Kali" I looked up at him " the Hindu goddess" he nodded " she is the goddess of sexuality and violence" it was my turn to nod. "Also considered a strong mother figure and symbolic of motherly love."  He looked at me "you studied a lot of cultures didn't you?" I nodded "it was some of the courses I took."

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