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I was laughing so much from what O'Conner was telling me about something that happened to him and his best friend last night when they went to the bar for a few drinks. "It's not funny Thena" he stated but I saw that he was holding back from laughing. "Oh come on we both know that what happened to you and Wilson was funny" I reply which he cracks and starts laughing.  "Alright, maybe a little but it was scarier than anything else." Well, you both though that the girls was single cause they gave off the vibe as you call it and you two all but shit your pants when you felt a tap on you two's shoulder turned and seen bodybuilders standing there. I mean had I been there I would have pissed myself from laughing at the both of you."

"That is only causing you are mean, and I don't know why I would even tell you these things anyways" he pouted. I reach across the table and pinched his cheeks which he slapped my hand away. "Awe poor wittle little Conner," I said then laughed more. "Yea laughs it up at me almost getting me but whooped or beat." he folded his arms and looked at me. I tried my best to keep from laughing but I couldn't help it. The image of what he told me that I was playing in my head was so funny it made the story it's self funnier.

Once I managed to collect myself I apologized and cleared my throat. "Alright I am good now, "I tell him and he drops his arms and laughs. I smiled as I watched him get teary-eyed from laughing so much. "you snort when you laugh and it sounds weird" he said laughing while pointing at me. "Stop pointing at me" I warned but he kept pointing so I bite his finger. "Ouch, that hurt," he said shaking his hand. "I warned you but you ignored me."

"Doesn't mean for you to bite me?" he said looking at his finger "Oh your such a drama queen." He looked at me " I am not a drama queen if anyone between us two is a drama queen then it's you." I looked at him and shook my head " is that why every time you had friends around or ex dates they would call me a bitch for beating their asses for the shit the did to you?"

"Alright fine you're not a drama queen either," he said and rolled his eyes. I ruffled his hair and he slapped my hand away and fixed his hair. "No touchy," he said as he pointed to his hair. "What did it take hours for you to do?" I joked " no just twenty minutes"  I snorted in laughter which made him laugh. I covered my mouth and nose to bock the sound but he only laughed louder.

"On a serious note have you heard anything about mom and dad's case?" I asked hoping that he had heard something cause I have yet to my contact. He slouched and looked down at his coffee cup and shook his head. "How long does it take for them to use the camera's in the house to find the person accountable for it, I mean seriously," I said sitting back and folding my arms across my chest.

"Wel that was destroyed in the explosion that took out a few more houses but thankfully nobody was home in those other homes. I sighed and rubbed my temples while closing my eyes and resting my elbows on the table. Conner reach across and rubbed my forearm. "I am sure we will soon find out something even if it's a lead," he said but for how he spoke he didn't sound too sure that it will happen. "I don't think they care, I mean they accused me when I had an alibi and they still charged me."

"Hey why don't you tell me how things with you and Elijah are going, is he treating you nice" I looked up at my brother and smiled. "Yea he is treating me really nice, I mean we get into over me not answering my phone but when Rifton won't leave me alone even when he was told and I freaking got a new phone number that he somehow got. He doesn't harm me, threaten me or put me in any danger but I know that eventually something will happen and I will be put  in danger weather it's him and not meaning to or the people that murdered mom and dad."

We sat there and talked a little more before he told me he had to go. I hugged him bye and headed home ready to see my hubby and love on him.

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