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Lijah would not let me down in the basement he told the guys to go down while he dealt with me. We got into a fight and both said things that I don't know if we will ever take back or regret. But while he is down there I am packing my shit and loading it up in my car. Once I had my things and a great lump sum of money I left.

He can't keep treating me like he is. I have every right to go down there and find out what my brother reasoning for Rifton and me to "get back together" if he was planning to start a fight or war between Elijah and Greggor.

I pulled to the side of the road and removed the tracker on the car then headed to a phone shop bought a phone had all my things transferred to my new phone then I recycled the old one that I knew had a tracker.

I drove off and headed to a little town that I remember visiting with my parents during the summer months. We would rent a little cottage and stay for the whole summer break there. So I headed to the realtor we would always use and I walked in talked to with one of the agents and signed the ownership papers since they willingly offered to buy as an option. after I was given the keys I headed back out to my car and went to my new residency.


With every doctor's appointment, I would send Elijah pictures and write a letter to let him know how our baby is. But I never put my address I would use a p.o box but never keep the same one knowing he would come and try to find me.

I got me a job as an article writer for a local newspaper office. The pay was great, I was able to buy my baby things. I load up on diapers, wipes, and bottles, once I found out what gender my baby is I started to get the crib, the changing table outfits, rocking chair, blankets.

I put them in the room next to mine since there was a door the joined the two. It took me twenty full minutes to put the crib together, then another ten to put the changing table together. Took five minutes to hang up all the clothes then fold and put away what didn't get hung up then after a few minutes I pushed the rocker where I wanted it to go and sat down in it and realxed.

I must had fallen alseep cause the next thing I know I heard banging on my door. I jump and slowly get up out of the rocking chair and walk into my room grab my glock and head downstairs. I am careful not to give myself away as I creeped up to the door carful not to hit into anything since I didn't turn a light on. I peaked out the peep hole and was shocked as hell at who I seen.

I put the glock in back on my wasit band and unlocked the door and opened it. "Hello lil momma" he greeted. I just stood there looking at him not believeing he was standing on my doorstep. "How did you find me?" I asked "Oh come on baby aren't you gonan invinte your baby daddy inside?" he asked ignoring my question. I huffed and stepped back granting him entry and watched him walk in. I looked outside not seeeing any of the guys. "I came alone so we can talk" he said.

I shut the door and locked it up before turning on the light so I could see him. "Nice place you have here, real cozy" he said in a mocking tone. "What do you want?" I asked "well lets see, my pregnant wife left me, tossed her phone destroied the car tracker and practically dissapeared within a blink of an eye. Had I not gotten the postal worker to tell me where you really live with a little persuaion I would have never found you since you played it smart by using p.o boxes" he said.

I didn't say a word cause I had nothing to say no excuse. I had the truth and I knew he wouldn't take it as such. "Now you tell me why is it that you left me huh?" he asked "was it casue I wouldn't let you talk to rifton?" he asked I shook my head. "Was it our fighting that we had both in the hospital and in our room?" again I shook my head. "Then tell me why is it that when I headed upstiars to find you I seen your things gone, then I found out that the tracker on the car was removed and your phone gone?"

"I wanted out of that town, I needed to get away and go somewhere I could start fresh, somewhere that didn't hold my family's deaths somewhere I could escape and just have a stress fre pregnancy the remaining time I am pregnant" I told him. He looked at me then at my bump before walking over and gently started to rub and cress my stomach. Our baby moved and then kicked and his eyes lit up.

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