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six years later~~

"Alright, you have the cake with you right?" I asked Elijah while I finished the rest of the decorating. " Yea Lil momma I picked up the cake, I will be there in a few minutes," he tells me. I sighed in relief "you have to calm down you are pregnant and we don't need our babies stressing" he tells me. "Your right I am sorry daddy" I replied and heard his growl. "Your ass is mine tonight" he promised then hung up.

I stood up and rubbed my belly before I went to check on the others wanting Nymphaea's birthday to be great. I mean it's only one time that she is ever gonna be five and I want her to have a great one like her brother has had six perfect ones. "Momma when is sissy coming so we can get her party started?" Steph asked. I smiled and bent down and looked at him. "Sissy is with uncle Matt and aunt phoebe and in five minutes she will be here alright," I tell him. He nods his head and takes off running while I stand up and hold my back as our babies in me make a ruckus.

I smiled and rubbed my belly as I thought of how Lijah's and my lives have changed since we have had Stehe then a year later had Phaea's. Lijah' handed the reigns over to Benji so now Lijah is a full hands-on dad while he runs a business. I, on the other hand. I am back at being a freelance photographer and writer. Which workers out so I can be home with the kids and not stress in an office.

"Alright so I have her cake and matt texted me saying they are on their way, is there anything else you need me to do?" Lijah asked. I licked my lips and looked at him " kiss me" I said which he smirked and placed the cake on the counter "gladly" was all he said before walking over to me and kissing me lovingly.

We got everything ready to go before Matt and phoebe showed up with Phaea who came in running right over to me, I smiled and  Lijah picked her right up and hugged her and kissed her cheek. I smiled and kissed her then gave her a side hug. "Happy birthday baby girl," I said " Happy birthday little Lilly" Lijah said which made her smile. I grabbed Lijah's hand and we walked out back after greeting Matt and Pheobe and I had Phaea's eyes covered as we stood outside.

"One....two...three," me and Lijah said and I dropped my hand and phaea gasped and clapped in excitement. We smiled and watched her "down please," she said and Lijah sat her down and she took off to have fun with some kids her age and her brother.

Lijah and I talked and had conversations with the parents that were there which was a couple. Then we helped pass out the food and when it came time for cake Lijah held Phaea while I held Steph and we all sang happy birthday then watched as she blew out the candles while we all clapped and she joined in being excited.

"Remeber Phaea you can't tell your wish or it won't come true" Steph tells her and she nods her head and zips her lips which made us chuckle.


A few weeks after Phaea's birthday I gave birth to Iris and Eros they both came into this world screaming their little lungs out just like their brother and sister years before them.

Lijah and I decided that four kids are enough to complete our little family.

When Phaea and Steph saw their baby brother and sister they were thrilled and excited to hold them. Both of them offered their help with Eros and Iris which we let them when we would need with simple things like a blanket, diaper, onesie, etc. But with the feeding that was left up to me since they were breast feeding.

I am in love with my family and how my life turned out. Yeah I faced heart break with my parents death and me killing my brother but now I have a new family and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

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