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"AHH!!!!!!!!!!" I grabbed my stomach as Elijah and the guys all rushed to me with their guns out. " What happen?" Lijah asked " the baby" was all I could get out before Elijah started to freak while Matt ran to grab the bag, Benji ran out to the car with Nate and Derick walked over and helped me out of the kitchen purposly bumping into Elijah to snap him out of his daze.

Elijah walked out with me and Der and he climbed in while der hellped me into the car. I moved over and reasted my back against Elijah while the Matt came running out getting in the car while Nat and Der got in the other and Benji drove off.

I was gripping the hell out of Lijah's hand every ten minutes a contraction hit.

Benji raced through the traffic with Der following close behind, while I was in the back panting and doing breathing exercises.

We arrive at the hospital and Lijah carefully got out got me out and picked me up then ran into the hospital. "Wife is in labor!" he shouted and a nurse with a wheel chair came over he placed mee donw in it and she took off towards the elevators to get me on the delievery floor. "How far apart is your contractions?" she asked "Ten minutes" I replied between pain and gripping ELijah's hand.


They had me wait till the contracts got to five before they would fully see if I was ready. Elijah was pacing the floors. "Baby" I said making him stop and look at me " yea lil momma?" he asked I just lifted up my arm and he walked over and carefully got into the bed with me and I curled up in his arms as he held me and rubbed my belly.

They had me hooked up to mechines to monitor my contracts and to measure Stephen's heart rate. I was careful with how I laid or sat not wanint to cause any stress or anything to Stephen. "I am sorry for how I acted when you told me you was in labor" Elijah said making me lift my head up off his shoulder and look at him.

"I understand it, I mean I was freaking out but coulddn't show it like you due to the contractions." He kissed my forehead "it's amazing how in any time our son will be here in this world." I smiled at the thought " it's gonan be something to see when you hold him for the first time and you both share a bond."

"I can't wait actually" he stated and I chuckled then whined and shot up "Fuck!" I rubbed my belly and looked over at the machine just as the doctor walked in. "You ok Mrs.Hensly?" he asked "contraction hit" I replied and slowly laid back down. "Well, shall we see how far you are?"  I nodded my head while Elijah stayed right there with me.

The doctor checked the monitor then walked over put on gloves and sat right in front of my vagina and lifted the blanket and checked.

"Well Mrs. Hensly it looks as if your son is ready to come out into the world" the doctor anounced. "Good cause we are ready for him" Elijah stated which made me smile as I grabbed his hands and got ready. The doctor chuckled and got his nurses to come and help out.

To say the birthing of Stephen was quick would be total Bull. I went through hours of pain, I was sweating,swearing, crying, screaming, telling Elijah off al while trying to push Stepehn out of me.

OnceI heard Stephen's cries the pain and all that I went through was so worth it.I watched as Lijah clipped the cord and Stephen was  handed off to a nurse to cleaned him up a bit then brought him over to me. I tugged my gown down and she placed him on my chest and I fell in love with him more then I did when I found out I was carrying him.

I kissed his forehead, I rubbed his back softly and watched as he clamed down frm crying while holding Elijah's finger and laying on me. "He perfect, he is all I could ever want, yet I want more babies with you" I tell Elijah who is creasing our son's face with his finger. He looked up at me and smiled then leaned down and kissed me before kissing our son's head.

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