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Once he arrived and we headed inside we sat in a corner booth and placed our orders.  then he grabbed my left hand and slipped a beautiful ring on my finger. I looked at it and smiled "Wow this ring is stunning." He looked at me " don't you like it?" I looked over at him " I do like it, just not use to having something looking like this on me."

After we got our food we talked about my new living arrangements once we marry and come back from our heated honeymoon. I told him I still had things at my that is out of state. Which he told me that after we come back from the honeymoon and I am showing my new house we will go and get all of the things that I want to keep and have it moved to my new place. I thanked him for lunch since he wouldn't let me pay.

"Shot I forgot the leftover material at your aunts want to come with me or?" I asked he shrugged and grabbed my hand. I looked down and smiled then headed towards Viv's place and walked in. "Hi Violet, I came back to get the leftover materials I had asked to be kept from the wedding dress I told her " right, one minute. hello nephew "she said he smiled " hello aunt Vib" he replied and she walked towards the back while we stood there.

Once I had the box of the material in my trunk I looked at Elijah, " get in the car and let's go" he said walking around and getting into the driver's side door after I had previously unlocked it. I climbed in and seen he had taken the keys from the lock in the trunk.


It was like I had blinked to fast and it turned into my wedding night. I was in my room chatting with my brother while Elijah and his guys were in the guest house where they will be getting ready. "Are you sure you are ok with this?" he asked " you and I both know that if I don't go through with this then they will do something to us, so let me do this, so you can stay alive. I  feel as if this was on purpose so I will go through will marrying him and you can go on with living life. but don't worry I will call and check on you we will still be family, and we will still have our parents" I tell him.

I had woken earlier this morning and had got my dress on, had gotten my hair did and my make up before mom let to get herself ready and O'conner came in and started talking to me.

"You go get ready, cause I want you to walk me down the aisle and be my best brother of honor," I tell him "you mean the man of honor? " I smiled and nodded then ushered him out of the room. Once he was gone I looked over myself making sure I had everything. I slipped on my heels before I went to walk out the door when dad popped up.

"Awe darling you look lovely"  I smiled "are you ready for me to walk you down?" I looked at him " want O'conenr to walk me down the Aisle I told him he would."

"it's the dad or mom if the dad isn't in the picture that gives the daughters away", he said 'you gave me away wwhen you put yourself in dubt on purpose both you and mother so now on my wedding day you will go and take your seat and my brother will walk me down the Ailse and hand me over to Elijah," I tell him.

With that said I walked passed my dad headed down the steps and waited for O'Conner once he stood next to me we walked the trail to the Gazebo. I looked at all the decor and how beautiful the wedding planner did on the design.

Heart of Elijah (complete)Where stories live. Discover now