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I brought had the cab driver take me to my parents grave and I walked into the grave yard and I sat on down on the bench that  was in front of where they rested. "Hello mama and papa, I feel as if things in my life has went from amazing to shitty then amazing agin but only due to the fact I am pregnant. Other then that my life is what it was like before I came home that holiday weekend. I miss the both of you and I wish that you wouldn't have gotten mixed up with bad people. I know my husband is a bad person as some people would call him. But I see the good side of him." I sighed and rubbed my stomach as I leaned on my hand to take some pressure off my hips. "It turns out that O'Conner was working with the man that murdered you both which if I think about it I am not really surprised. I mean he would be acting weird and when he seen how your all's fate was he didn't seem at all fazed really just put on a pained expression."

I blinked back the tears as I thought of how my brother truly acted from the day I came back home till I killed him. I never called him out on it due to dealing with my arranged marraige which went by fast, then falling in love with Elijah.

I sat there and really thought about it if I were to bet my brother contacted Rifton and they set up an agreement where Rifton could have me and something happen to Elijah.  I thought more of it then I called up Matt and told him not to tell a soul where I am and to come and get me that we are gonna go somewhere.

I said my goodbye to my parents as I kissed my hand and placed it on their joined tombstone before I stood up and walked towards the entry. "So you think your brother had a hand in you Rifton coming to town after you."

I jumped and seen Elijah "What are you doing here, your suppose to be in the hospital healing" I said ignoring his question. "Don't ignore me when I asked you a question. and I will heal when you stop running off to do stupid shit."

 "Visting my parents isn't stupid shit, I haven't been here in months" I stated as I folded my arms and looked at him. "Lets go" he said then turned and walked off.  It was then I seen he was wearing a boot for his foot. I followed not wanting to fight just wanting to the bottom of this so I can move on and live my life.

I climbed into the back of the suv and seen Matt in the driver seat. "You was here the whole time?" I asked he nodded his head " for how long?" I asked " Sing I walked into the hospital and heard Elijah order them to get his discharge papers then put his foot in a boot" he replied. I chuckled and shook my head. "Well I think my brother had contacted Rifton and told him that he could have me which is why Rifton came here and found me then tried to take me away" I said finally anwsering Elijah's question.

"We thought of that and decide to pay little Rifton a vist" Derrick said turning to look at me from the passenger side. " You all know where he is staying?" Elijah chuckled "if you want to call being in my basement staying then sure we will go with that" Elijah said. I looked at him "how long has he been down there?"

"Since he came for you." I looked at him in disbelief "don't look at me like that he was coming for something that is mine and I told you I don't share." I rolled my eyes and sat back and watched as the city went by while we headed home to talk with Rifton. "How bad have you beat him or whatever it is you all have done?"  I asked looking over at Elijah "Why do you care?" I sighed " I don't I just want to know if he can still talk or is he beat to a pulp. I want to the bottom of this so I can move on and be happy and with this shit happening I can't be happy and I can't move on it will be like a dark cloud that will forever be hanging over my head."

"You are not going down therem you did one stupid thing I won't let you do another" Lijah stated. "It's not like he can harm me, I mean you will be there by my side, derrick,matt,Benjji, and Nate will be there" I clarified. "Yea they all will be but you will be in our room showering" he stated.

"Was the body removed?" he looked at me confused "what body, there is no body in our room" he said " In the hidden room where I shot my brother when he came to kill me" I stated "why didn't I know of this?" I blew out air slowly "you blacked out from being shot in the torso."

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