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To say Elijah's and my wedding night was incredible would be an understatement. It was orgasmic and mind-blowing just how I had hoped my wedding night to be when I got married. When we woke up the next morning we welcomed it just like we closed the night before except this time I was on him riding in the new day.  He made a joke about my smeared makeup but I wasn't paying much attention to it I was to busy riding towards my orgasm to care if I looked like I was a raccoon or some person girl who went through a rough break up.  Once my orgasm crashed through me I rode him till his rocked through him making us both moan out and he grab my hips and bounce me more till he went soft.

 We stayed in the honeymoon suite for three two nights and then went to our place where he carried me over its threshold like he did in the hotel and kicked the front door closed and took off upstairs to break in the bedroom. He assured me I was the only girl ever to be in his room or  his bed, none of his exes so much as made it upstairs with him. I wore sexy lingerie to spice things up not that they were needed but to just have fun and get a reaction out of him which I did and every single set of lingerie I wore was torn off with promises of buying me new ones.

Today we are headed to my parent's place to celebrate the holiday and the guys are gonna join. " I feel bad that I didn't get Matt, Benji, Der or Nate anything or even you," I say to Lijah as we get closer to my parent's house. "Don't worry about it, you didn't know about us till you meet us the same day you found out about our arranged marriage" he told me. "Regardless I will get you guys something and I hope you all like it," I tell him.

Once we got to my parent's place Lijah got out and opened my door while Matt, Der, Benji, and Nate arrived. I held Lijah's hand and greeted the guys, they hugged me and greeted me back. "come on let's go on in" I tell them then walk inside. "Mom dad, O'Conner I am home" I call out but don't hear anything. So I let go of Elijah's hand and head off looking around the house I seen that O'Conner hasn't arrived yet.

When I head into my dad's office I let out the biggest scream. right before my eyes lay my parents. they were both murdered and dismembered it looked like a massacre. "What is it Athena" Elijah then walked in and seen what I did and quickly walked over and grabbed me and pulled me to him hiding my face in his chest. "Derick calls the cops, Benji you run their surveillance and find out who did this, Nate you help Benji. Matt calls O'Conner and tell him his sister needs him at their parent's place right now" Elijah ordered them.

I was sobbing and gripping onto Elijah's shirt. "It's not right... It's not fair" I cried" Elijah rubbed my back and held me to him. " I know angel, I know," he said as he stood there with me. "Cops is on there way along with the corner and medics," Derick said  "Thank you, "I said in between sobs. "Boss we got something you might want to look at, "Benji said  "I will once O'Conner gets here," Elijah said then walked me out of the office and Derick shut the door behind us stepping out as well.

"Athena" I heard O'Conner yelling Elijah let me go right as O'Conenr ran over to me. He saw I was crying and instantly pulled me into his arms and held me. "what is it what's wrong, talk to me sis" he said "it's so horrible Conner" I cried "what is?" he asked not knowing what I am talking about.

 "We got here ten minutes ago and we all walked in Athena called out for your parents and when they didn't answer she headed upstairs and walked into the office." I gripped my hold on O'Conner not wanting to let go. "When she got into the office she screamed really loud we all raced up here to see what was wrong and she found your parents," Elijah said "Well what happened, what is going on?" he asked " they are dead someone killed them and it's so horrible" I sobbed.

"No they can't be I talked to them earlier today," Conner said I slowly let him go and Elijah held me while O'Conner walked over to the office door and opened it and looked inside before he dropped to the floor and cried. I got out of Elijah's arms and walked over to my brother and got on my knees and hugged him as Derrick reclosed the door. "We will find out who did this and we will take care of it," Elijah said then he walked off with Benji.

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