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After the doctor came and talked with me telling me that the bullet missed all the vital organs and grazed his spleen the repaired it and that everything else apart from his broken ribs, a fractured wrist and broken leg he was fine.  He told me when Elijah was placed in his own private room that a nurse will come to get me and take me to him.

It was a twenty-five minute before a nurse came and got me and showed me where Elijah has locked which floor and what room. I thanked her before walking in and seeing Lijah laying there bandaged up and his foot propped up on a pillow while his hand was in a cast and he was hooked up to machines. I pulled a seat up to the bed and leaned over and kissed him softly before I sat down and grabbed his hand.

 "I am so glad that you weren't shot in any vital organs and that they were able to fix your spleen. The doctor said that you will be on rest for a while which I thought was funny cause you never rest but I will make sure that you do rest so you can fully heal. I need you to heal and so does our Bumpkin" I tell him as I brush my thumb back and forth over his hand.


I sat in that chair not moving just waiting for him to wake so I can see his gorgeous eyes and be able to kiss him and he kiss me back.

"Athena"  I looked up and seen the look confused before he groaned and used his hand that I was that was in a cast and rubbed his head. I stood up and grabbed his hand. "Hi baby, nice of you to wake up and let me see them gorgeous eyes of yours" I said leaning over him making him look up at me.

He groaned a little and I kissed his lips which he responded just like always, holding the back on my neck and fighting for dominance. I pulled back and pecked his lips. "Have to take it easy till you are healed fully" I explain. "But I don't take it easy and you know that" he stated " yea well you will be doing it now, " I told him as I grabbed his hand the was holding the back of my neck and sat back down.

"What's the verdict?"  I ran my fingers over his hand "Well the bullet grazed your spleen so they fixed that you have broken ribs so the groaning is normal, you have a broken foot and fractured wrist" I tell him. He looks at his hand in the cast before looking at his leg. "I will not be taking it easy" I stated.

"Oh yes you will be, there will be no overworking yourself. you will rest and heal while the guys get the stuff taken care of. Yea you can still boss them around and give orders but you going out and doing things like you use to. that is not happening" I tell him. He looked at me "Yeah and who is gonna stop me?"

"I will and you know I will." He smirked and brought his hand up to my face. "So your gonna be telling me what do to while you work your ass off?"  I nodded my head " I don't think so, you are carrying my baby and there is no way in hell I am resting till Gregor is dead. "

"Was he the one standing in front of you?" I asked making him look up at me "How w do you know?"  I fidgeted with my fingers before I told. "well I seen him, and I killed him" I tell Lijah "What do you mean you seen and killed him, why the hell was in out of the hidden room?" he asked

"Calm down before you alert the nurse staff," I said "no I will not calm down till you tell me what the hell happened." I sat there and told him all of what happen and why I walked out of the room and how I killed Greggor. He was livid with me, but also pissed at his self. I tried to grab his hand but he jerked it away.

 "Hey don't be an asshole with me, ok I did what was right" I stated he looked at me with so much anger that I am surprised he isn't turning red. "What you did was fucking stupid Athena, you could have gotten hurt, you could have been killed. Worse of all our baby could have been killed" he yelled at me.

I held back the tears as I stood up and walked out of the room ignoring him calling after me. I was not about to sit in there and let him scream and yell down at me like I am some disobedient kid. I pressed the button on the elevator and walked on before pressing the first-floor button waited.

I called Matt to come up and be with Elijah. I told him the floor and room number told him that the others can come and see him too if they wanted. I also warned him that he is pissed off so be ready for him to yell at them. After I hung up with Matt I hailed a cab and climbed in, told her where to take me before I laid back and looked out the window.

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