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Its been a few weeks since I have found out that people are coming after me. I also found out that I am gonna me a mommy so the self-defense training has stopped but not the shooting. I have gotten better at shooting since I have been practicing. Elijah found out that I knew and he didn't like that I asked Derrick and Nate for help instead of him.

"You should have come to me, I would have trained you on both," he tells me. " I know you would have but you was busy talking with Benji about the situation so I went and asked them, it's not like anything bad had happened or like they would try anything" I stated, "cause if they tried then I would kill them on the spot" he stated. "I know that and so do they," I told him.

"Next time come to me don't go to my guys" I nodded my head not even wanting to get into with him. He walked off and that was that,so I headed out and went to my doctors appointment where I found out I was gonna be a mommy. So I headed to a baby shop bought a cute onsie that said hello daddy, along with booties and a little beanie.

I brought it home and put it in a little gift bag with gift paper and sat it on his side of the bed before I walked out and went into the kitchen where I started cooking. I heard running before the kitchen door flew open and I was pulled from the stove and kissed really hard. " I take it as you saw you little gift?"  I asked once he pulled away. He said nothing just grabbed my face and kissed me again before pulling back for the second time and placing his hand on my stomach and.

He knelt and lifted my top. I grabbed it while he placed both hands on my stomach and smiled then kissed my belly. "Thank you so much baby" he finally spoke. "Welcome," I said and watched him as he kissed all over my stomach and then started talking to me belly.


Since he found out he is gonna be a dad he has become real protective, I mean he got me my bodyguard for when he isn't around, he has told the guys about it so they can be more protective. And on top of that, he has practically killed his self looking for Greggor just so he can take him out and not have to worry about me or our baby being taken from him.

There has been plenty of times I practically drag him from his office beg and when neither of them works I seduce him and that seems to work every time.

When we went to the doctor he asked if sex was ok and if the baby would be harmed from rough sex. The doctor told him a little roughness was ok but not to rough. So he doesn't fuck me rough anymore he makes slow passionate love to me. he makes sure I am never on my belly and that no danger comes anywhere near my stomach. I love him for all he is doing but half the time he drives me mad I just want to scream and pull my hair out.

I have talked to him about it and he told me he would rather die than let out baby be hurt or anything happen to the two of us meaning our baby and I. I told him that as long as I have him, the guys and my bodyguard there is no way anyone can harm me or our baby. He told me he wasn't taking any chances.

So I let him be to do what he wants so it will make him happy and hopefully not stressed our so much.

When we go to bed at night he will lay right at my stomach and talk to our baby before kissing my stomach and lay in bed fully and wrap his arms around me.

He has prepared me for a home invasion if there should ever be one. He has shown me the hideout room where he told me if Greggor ever comes and attacks that this room is where h wants me to be so that they can't get me. I asked him will he be in here with me and he told me that I would be the only in there since he will be out with his guys killing Greggor and his guys.

When I asked what would happen if I was alone he didn't like that and assured me that my guard would be there and that I will be safe. I trusted him and didn't ask any more questions.

Heart of Elijah (complete)Where stories live. Discover now