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Elijah's and my wedding was approaching very fast, faster the holidays which I was told it would be before the holiday and that once I spent the holiday with my family Elijah and I would head off to our honeymoon where we were to consummate our marriage. Elijah made that part very clear.

My mom has been treating this whole ordeal as if it was me bringing Elijah home and telling her mom I am getting married and this right here is my fiance. Not this being a deal to clear dad out of his debt with Elijah. If I was to bet you when they both knew that soon they would be in debt that they would have me up for collateral or claims to clear their name.

"Athena darling did you go out and grab what I had requested?" mother asked as she peaked her head out from the kitchen. "Yes I went and got it" I tell her then walk over and hand her the bag. after she took it she walked off and I rubbed my face and went to sit down. I checked my phone and seen that my ex boyfriend and best friend was texting me and have left messages and has called.

 "who the hell is that" I freaking jumped not hearing anyone come into the room "nobody that is important" I replied. "Tell me who that guy is that keeps calling" Eljah said as he sat next to me and took my phone then when Rifton callled again he anwsered it.

"Who the hell are you calling my fincee she isn't intrested so loose her number" he said hthen hung up. I looked at him before he handed my phonne back. "That was my ex who I caught in bed with my ex bestfriend a night after we went to a frat party and they both got wasted. I figured he would be with me in bed but when I woke I didn't see him so I went to check on Irie and there she was getting her ass fucked by him" I explained. "Fucking exes" was all he said before he got upp and left.

I blocked both numbers and then got up grabbed my keys. " I am heading out be back llater don't wait up to late" I call out then walk out the door climb into my rental and head off. It's been a while since I visited any of these stores and just looked around. When I got parked my phone went off and I seen an unknown number. "Hello?" I anwsered " hello this is Violet I am Ejliahs aunt the one he wanted to make alterations for your dress" she said "Oh hi" I siad  she laughed a little.

"I was wondering if you could come by my shop in town and we could see if the alterations I had did is suitable and to see if the dress will fit." I got really excited and I couldn't wait to see the dress and have it on again. "Sure I am actually in town right now " I tell her "great it's Viv's shop just walk on in" she said. I told her I would be there in a few then we siad our goodbyes and I climbed out with my purse and headed towards Viv's shop and locked up my car.


"alright hun it seems like every single part of this dress fits with no trouble" she said as I looked down at myself in the dress then looked in the mirror and smiled before I took a few pictures and then did a twirl. "Thank you so much ,I don't know how I could ever repay you"I tell her "don't worry about it,just make my newphew happy and we will call it even" she said . I looked and her and nodded.

Thought that maybe a challenge with how things have been set up and had gone so far but it's one I am sure I can handle.

After I carefully got out of the dress and handed it over to her then got into my clothes I thanked her again and left with the dress took it and slipped it into the trunk before I headed to the dinner. My ohone was going crazy so I anwsered it. "Hello " I greeted " where the hell are you and why the fuck have you not anwsered my calls?" I cringed inwardly " I am sorry I didn't hear my phone I was in your aunts shop, she was making sure that the alterations she did would bmake the dress fit and it does. I am sorry " I said he sighed "where are you now?" I looked up at the diner and seen it's name " Carly's Diner" I replied " Stay there I am on my way" he said then hung up. I sat on the bench in front of the diner and waited.

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