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I was at work thinking about how things in my life have gone from plain to adventurous. I mean nothing dangerous has happen to me which I am glad. But I mean like when I was with Rifton I felt like an unliving life. We hardly did anything, never went anywhere cause he was always busy could never get time off his work and college was too much for him. So we would stay either in my place or his and just have boring so-called dates.

But Now that I am married and with Elijah. I am living, I am going on adventures whether he takes me places outta the united states or just out of simple little dates that mean so much to me. He knows how to treat me and show me just how much I care about him. I have learned so much about myself that I never knew before thanks to Elijah.

Yea he deals with illegal guns and some other things but I am not involved with that, he keeps his work separate from his personal life, well that part.

I looked up at the time and seen it was time for me to clock out so I finished up with the article I was writing and I sent it in before saving the rest and singed out of the computer and shut it down before grabbing my things and heading out telling my co-workers bye and headed for the elevators.

I checked my phone and seen that Elijah sent me a text.  Hi baby, can't wait to see you after work, I love you. and I am gonna take you out. I smiled and typed my reply then was grabbed and pulled into the elevator and my mouth covered before I could scream. I looked at the person and seen Rifton. I stared at him in confusion. "I will remove my hand if you don't scream," he said as he pressed the ground button since my office was on the fifth floor. I nodded and he let my mouth go. "What are you doing?" I asked " I want you back, I don't care about you being married it's just some stupid arrangement, you and me are meant to be married. I was stupid to fuck Ire" he said I heard the numbers ding as the numbers changed and knew if I timed it perfectly then I could escape from him.

"We will never get back together so just go home and leave me alone," I tell him. "You are mine and I will not stop at anything till I have you back in my arms, I don't care if I have to kill your lover and his toys" Rifton threatens. I hear the last ding, he went to grab me but I punched him and kneed him in the groin and walked out told the guard what happen and he went to deal with him while I headed off. I climbed into my car and took off. I saw a car following me so I quickly dialed Lijah's number and pressed call before I hit the speaker button.

"Hey lil momma how are you, you on your way home?" he greeted. " Hi baby, I was on my way home but Rifton found me and now he is trailing my ass so I am trying to lose him, I am calling to tell you that it will be a while before I get home," I told him as I weaved through traffic careful of the other drivers while watching Rifton follow me. "Where are you? " he asked " I took the turn and hit drove up on the Highway. "About to get on highway fifteen" I replied before I emerage and hit the gas pedal and blended into the traffic.

"Take exit seventeen, go till you see my black Maserati and pull up next to it," Elijah tells me. "Alright I love you, baby," I tell him then hung up after hearing him tell me he loves me. I put my phone in my purse and use my signal to take the off-ramp and drove till I have seen Elijah's Maserati and I pulled right up to it parked got out and seen Matt he climbed into my car while I climbed into Elijah's. Matt reversed my car and took off Elijah stayed sitting and I told him Rifton was coming.

Seconds later we watched Rifton fly passed us chasing Matt while I sat there smiling. My hair was grabbed and my head pulled before lips crashed against mine.  grabbed Elijah's hair and kissed him just as hard as he was me before we let each other go and he grabbed my hand and took off.

"Did he touch you?" he asked as he drove up onto the highway and took off. "Yea I just replied to your text when I was grabbed and my mouth covered before being pulled into the elevator. he told me if I didn't scream he would let my mouth go. So I agreed and he presses the ground floor then let my mouth go and told me he wants by far that he doesn't care about me being married it's just some stupid arragement, me and him are meant to be married. and that he was stupid to fuck Ire. he also told me that I am his and that he will not stop at anything till he has me back in his arms, that he doesn't care if he has to kill you and your toys " I tell Lijah and watch as his grip on the steering wheel tightens making his knuckles turn white.

" I'm gonna kill that fucker. who in the hell does he think he is messing with when he touches you. He must have a death wish or something for touching what is mine. I will not share never have and never will. And the thinks he can threaten to kill me" Elijah said then laughed and shook his head. He drove faster till we got home then he got out slammed his door I quickly unbuckled just in time casue he yanked my door open grabbed me pulled me out and tossed me over his shoulder and kicked his door shut and carried me inside.

I didn't say anything just let him do what he wants. He took me up to the room destroyed my outfit, quickly discarded his own before he fucked me rough and hard. I gripped his shoulders, his arms, his ass, and the sheets as he brought me to new heights then made me cum and kept going. He needed this to keep from going after Riton and I needed this casue he freaking turned me on.

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