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Since our honeymoon isn't till after the holidays I asked Elijah if we could still have a wedding night. Which he set up at a fancy hotel that has honeymoon suits and told me to pack a few outfits and toiletries and get into something simple and to meet him by the front door no later than nine. So I took off upstairs took my dress off hung it up on its hanger and closed up its bag then I walked into my closet that still had my old outfits and picked a dress slipped off my heels and placed them back in their box and slipped them in my bag before I put every one of my clothes panties and bras in a huge suitcase knowing that Elijah will have his men clear out my room and take my things to our place.

Once I was dressed and had on my wedges I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs right at nine o'clock. "right on time" he said "Yep" I replied then grabbed his hand turned and blew a kiss to my brother and we walked out of the house and got into the car that awaited us.


We arrived at the hotel Elijah got out and offered his hand to me which I took and climbed out of the car then proceeded to follow him as the bellhop got our bags and we headed to the front desk checked in then went to the elevator.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look in this dress or how stunning you looked in your wedding dress?" I shook my head and he pulled me close wrapping his arm around me as he hit the proper floor button and smile. "Well forgive me then, cause that wedding dress that you picked out was very sexy on you, I understand why you had that crying fit, and this dress that you are wearing now" he smiles evil like as if he has something planned. "No tearing the dress, the panties under it if I have any yes, this dress no," I tell him.

He kissed my neck and I freaking moaned cause he targeted my weak spot and sucked on it then bite it which made me whimper in delight. "That felt incredible" I murmured as he pulled away and the elevator dinged on our floor.

We walked out him with his arm around my waist and me partly flustered from what had just taken place. " I can't wait to find out if your wearing panties or not" he commented as wee headed down the hallway before stopping in front of the suite room. "I can't wait till I see how huge you are then testing and find out if you will fit" I replied. He stared at me and I winked before taking the card from his hand sliding it in the slot and opening the door. I went to walk in but he pulled me back and lifted me then proceded to carry me over the threshold.

I giggled and kissed him as he kicked the door closed with his foot then walked over to the bed and dumped me on it.

I sat up as he unbuttoned his cufflinks and I removed my wedges and dropped them at the foot of the bed while he dropped his cufflink right on them before he removed his suit jacket and tossed it on the counter I grabbed his hands to keep him from unbuttoning his shirt. " Let me" I said then let his hands go and tugged his shirt up out of his pants and unbuttoned it while kissing his stomach.


Once we were both stripped and in the bed he kissed me and sucked on my neck as he did in the elevator and I grabbed his shaft making him and I both moan from the feel of it. I softly jerked him off while he littered my neck with hickeys and bite marks. When he got close he pulled away and went down on me.  My body bucked and he pressed me back down and I moaned. " Yes Lijah" I moaned which made him look at me while I fisted his hair not looking at him I was to lost in pleasure to focus on his intense gaze. He was suckling on my numb so freaking good I cried out and begged for the sweet torture to end. "You are mine no other man will ever suck your pussy, taste her or fuck her am I understood" I just nodded. he slapped my clit and I whined "Yes" I cried out and he rubbed my clit while he pushed two fingers up inside of me and pumped them. Making my body crave more and me losing my mind. "Fuck me yes" I cried and threw my head back as my orgasm neared. He removed his hand that was rubbing my clit and replaced it with his mouth and nibbled and sucked on my clit with a few licks before I finally came. He licked me clean and then pulled away. I grabbed his hand that was inside of me and sucked his fingers clean.

Before I had a chance to flip us over and go down on him be rubbed his tip along my slit before he poked my entry and pushed in. "UGhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" my body arched up and my hands griped his back and fisted the sheets. "Fuck" I gasped as my walls pulsed around him while getting use to being streched and use to his gerth.

"What your ex wasn't this big huh?" he asked I just shook my head and slowly loosened my grip as he allowed my walls to get use to him. " Feels good" I tell him " Can I move?" he asked I smiled and rubbed his arm. "I would be upset if you didn't" I replied which made him chuckle and start pounding me. "Harder" I requested and he did like I wanted " Yes, Lijah........" I moaned out and closed my eyes " nicknames already and we just got married" he commented. I looked at him "if it offense you I wouldn't call you that anymore" I reply "no but you are the only that can and will get away with it lil momma" he replied and I was fucked.  I bot my lip and he cupped my face and used his thumb to pull my lip from my teeth before he bent down and kissed me then nibble and sucked on my lower lip pulling and reaslinging it.

"I'm close" I cried out as my walls gripped his gerth and the coil in my stomach got tighter. " I know your pussy is gripping the fuck out of my dick" he said my eyes rolled back at his dirty talk and I moaned " someone has a kink huh? " I looked up at him "You have no idea baby" I replied before waiting to be allowed to cum. "You gonna cum or just lay there and hold it all night?"

 I glared at him and he rammed into me making me cum and gasp all at once. "Mmm.. you feel so good coating my cock in your juices." I grabbed his ass and bucked wanting more of him. "Patiecnce sweetheart I will give you what you want in due time" he assured me. I whined and pouted which made him laugh before he lifted up my leg and really pounded into me. I grabbed his shoulders and moaned. " Yes.. yes... oh yes" I cried out and felt him fill me up as he reasled inside of me. I moaned and he panted while still going. Once he soften up he slowly pulled out of me and climbed off the bed and headed into the bathroom to grab a rag and put it under warm water before coming back in and cleaning me up. I jerk a little and he held me still. "I know your sensitive right now but we need to clean you up" he said and I just nodded before he finished up then dropped the rag and crawled into the bed and laid beside me. I grabbed his face and kissed him hard and long.

I pulled away long enough to breath before going back and laying half way over him. This time when I pulled back I was smiling. " Reguardless of how we came to this point in our lives I think we will enjoy eeach other very much" I stated he nodded " I think your right."

I gave him a qick kiss then laid down on his chest and cuddled up to him. "Sleep well lil momma" he said " you too Lijah" I said then closed my eyes and went to sleep.


A/N: What do you all think of this story so far. Proabably not like you thought it would be or like any other arragened marraige story.

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