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The Police cleared everybody out of the house and took us each off to the side and questioned us. Elijah would not let them question me alone since I was still shaken up and a mess from me being the one that found them.

 "And you are sure that you never saw them before today?" the officer asked, " I told you the last time I saw them alive was when I got married after that my husband and I headed to a hotel checked in and went to our suite stayed there one night and then headed to our place where we was until I came over to spend the holiday with my family. I walked in called out for my family seen my brother wasn't home so I headed upstairs and opened my dad's office door and that's when I saw them like they were when the cops arrived." I tell my side of the story yet again for what seems like the fifth time. "What is the hotel's name?" he asked "Enchantment Dreams inn and Suites," Elijah said the cop nodded then called in to have them see if me alibi checks out. "Please don't leave the state or country for a few weeks," the cop said

"I have to plan my parent's funeral with my brother so we will still be here," I tell him then look over and see O'Conner and I want to go over there and hug him. "Alright well thank you for your time," the officer said. I grabbed Elijah's hand and head over to O'Conner right as the officer questioning him finished up and left. I sobbed and hugged him while holding Elijah's hand.

"It's not right Thena," he said as he cried on my shoulder  " I know Conner," I said as I cried in his arms. We stood there with my arm around his waist his around my shoulder since Elijah's was resting on my lower back and I watched as the guys got finished up with their questions and made their way over to us.

"One last thing," an officer said as they walked over with their partner "Yes?" me and O'Conner said "When we are done with their bodies do you want us to contact you?" they asked " We will have their funeral set up so if you all will please call either me, my brother or husband," I tell them. they nodded and told us they were sorry for our loss before they walked off. "Athena" I looked at O'Conner and he stood before me and hugged me and held my head in his shoulder. "Close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you." I nodded my head knowing that they brought our parents bodies out. I squeezed my eyes shut and cried more.


Once the cops and everyone were gone they said we could go in get our things and what we wanted to and that the crime scene was clear but they handed s all gloves just in case. After we all put gloves on we headed inside and I went and grabbed trash bags and handed them to the guys. "Benji please grab all the presents, Matt please get the pictures off the walls, Nate please make sure none of my things are in my room, Derrick can you and Elijah go and get all my parents personal items from their room while me and my brother go into the office," I said they all nodded and Elijah kissed me then walked off.

I grabbed my brother's hand and we walked off upstairs and headed into the office.  "I'll get the books and pictures," O'Conner said  I nodded "I'll clean out the desk," I told him then we let each other go and got started.

When I went through the desk I found a part that wouldn't open so I looked for some keys and then used the key that I found and unlocked the door on the inner part of the desk and I cried. "Conner," I said " Yea Thena," he said, " I think I know why they were murdered and what the debt was about" I replied "he walked over to me knelt and looked seeing a ton of drugs and guns that had their serial numbers scratched off so they couldn't be traced.

I turned my head and sobbed into my brother's arms. he stood up pulling me up and held me. "I am so sorry Thena," he said I couldn't say anything I mean what am I to say when I just found out my dad and possibly my new husband launders in illegal drugs and weapons. and I suppose to say it's ok or it's fine and not to worry about it. I mean my parents lost their lives over their stupidity and now I feel as if this is what Elijah is into since my dad was in debt with him.

"Athena"  I looked up from Conner's shoulder and seen my husband standing there. "What did you find?" I wipe my eyes with my sleeves and sniffled. "Are you dealing with illegal drugs and guns?" I asked not answering his question?" he looked at me "Drugs no guns yes" he said "great just freaking great" I said, "Why?"

"Oh, I don't know cause my dad was in debt with you so apparently he did something stupid when it involved your guns and he was probably indebted with some other people who he was dealing with illegal drugs and since he already had me up for grabs he couldn't do it too with me so him and my mom was murdered."

"Your dad had no idea about my gun business, he borrowed money from me to pay another person off, the debut was well over fifty thousand dollars. I told him if he didn't pay it back then I would come and collect from him whether it is his house, his cars, or his life. He told me when he called to let me know he couldn't get the money that he has a daughter who just got out of college and that he could set up an arranged marriage to clear the debt. I told him that wasn't the deal and I told him that the same day I saw you but the very minute I saw you I told him he had a deal." Elijah said

"So you're a loan shark and mafia?" I asked " just Mafia" he replied I nodded "thank you for telling me, sorry for accusing you, I just found his hidden stash of guns and drugs that the people who killed him probably wanted or that he was stealing from them with moms help," I tell him. He nodded his head in understanding. "are you done in here, everyone has done as you asked" he said. O'conner and I nodded our heads and picked up our trash bags. " I'm gonna go empty my room meet you downstairs," Conner said I nodded and headed down with Elijah.

"I am sorry, it's just I didn't know and I just assumed"  he looked at me " I would have done the same had I been in your shoes and just seen moments before what I had." I nodded "Tell the guys to not touch the desk the people who killed them maybe back and will find it. So we can have the cops wait outside and get them." he nodded and went to tell the guys while I called a car carried company and requested one come and pick up some cars and drop them off at Elijah's and my place. They said they had a person a few minutes away who just unloaded and is on their way will arrive in ten to fifteen minutes. I thanked them then hung up and headed to the garage and checked over everything made II poped the tucked and loaded the boxes up in the trucks. Once that was done I loaded up the Suburban and Yukon up with personal items as well as the trash bag I had.

I had everyone put the door trash bags in the back on the Yukon then closed and locked up all the cars grabbed the keys and the spare along with moms and dads extra set. I started opening up the garage right as the car carrier truck arrived.  "Hello I am Marvin I am here to pick up some cars," he said I nodded my head and pointed to all the cars that I wanted to be picked up and taken to the address he was given, I went over the details and made sure it was all right then I asked Matt and Nate to go with the guy to Elijah's and my place and park them that we will deal with them when we get there.  I paid the guy and went back to check to see if all the things I wanted to get right now or that Conner wanted was not left behind before I went into the kitchen and seen something out of the ordinary. "Lijah" I called out " yea Angel?" he replied "Can you all come here," I asked.

When they walked in I showed them what I had found and they looked closer and seen that it was a freaking bomb and it had ten minutes left. So we walked out just as the car carried left, we loaded up into our cars and drove off. I called the cops and told them all that I had found and that there was a bomb that had ten minutes left. I also told them it was discovered when I was getting personal items out and that they might want to hurry and get everyone outta there that's in the house range.

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