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I have tried to use breast pumps, messaging them, rubbing just my nipples but nothing helps. the breast pumps are not sucking anything out. Which I know for a fact that my breast are full of milk since half the time it leaks out. So I have invested in plenty of breastfeeding bras.

I groaned and sighed as I removed the breast pump from my tit and fixed my bra before slipping my shirt back on and went to clean the breast pump and put it away before I waddled out and headed for the kitchen.

"Hello, Athena" I looked up and seen Matt and the others so I smiled and waved " Hi guys" I replied and grabbed me a bottle of orange juice before I sat down. "Where is Lijah?" I asked they all told me he was in his office so I waved to them and got up and waddled out of the kitchen and went to Elijah's office. Since we both found us a place that was out of Lakeden and didn't hold horrible heartbreaking memories Elijah has taken it upon himself to keep his office open to me should I ever need him in case something happens to our son or me.

I opened his office door quietly in case he was on a cal lwith someone. When I looked in I seen him looking at me and smiling. So I walked in and shut the door and quietly locked it before I walked over to Lijah. "You know I don't think you ever take any breaks from working" I said joking which he rolled his eyes playfully at me. "I will have you know I take breaks, I took one when we married, to one on our honeymoon and will take a long one when our son who we have yet to pick his name out comes" he stated.

I chuckled and placed my organge jucie down and walked around to him and rubbed his shoulders giving him a message. "I like the name Stephen Elijah, Henley" grabs my hand and pulls me to sit on his lap and rub my belly and rests his for head agaisnt mine since was was looking at him. " I love it" I smiled as I throw my hands around his neck and kiss him raking my fingers through his hair.

He presses his chest agaisnt mine and I whimper and pull back before grabbing my tits and rubbing them through my top and bra. "What is it?" he asked looking from me to my hands watching me mess with my breast. "They are really full and sensitive, I have tried to relieve some pressure but the breast pump gets nothing out, tweaking them dont workk, rubbing just the nipple or messaging them doens't help or work either."

"Have you tried asking me to help?" I looked at him "no, you have been busy with that your dong in here so I didn't wanna bother you." He looks at me in amusement before he tells me to lift up my arms which I do not really sure why but I don't ask just let him take off my top and then place it on his desk before he unfastens my bra and palces that with my top. I looked at him and watch his expression as he grabs and lifts up my breast and exsamines them wth his eyes before brushing his thumb across them which makes me jerk.

"Easy lil momma" I huff and look at him " I told you that they are.." I never got to finissh casue he leaned forward and latched on to my tit and started suckling on it. And boy did it feel so good., I mean one minue they are aching and in pain the next he is sucking my ti and drinking my milk which I fist his hair and hold him right where he is as I moan and close my eyes and rest my head on top of his.

I amm really enjoying his help casue with him drink my breast milk it's reliving pressure which is easing the pain away and I love that. I smiled as I felt him get hard just from sucking my breat milk. I promised him once he was done helping me I will help him out too.

When he releived the pain in my tits I smiled and thanked him before I stood up un done his belt unfaszed and unzipped his trousers and reached it pulling his shaft free and take him fully into my mouth and gave him one hell of a blow job. By the time I was near finished he oragamsed and I swallowed it all.

I licked my lips and tucked him back in his trousers and slowly stood up. He followed right along with me before he cupped my face and kissed me tenderly.

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