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It's been a month since my parents died, since I was arrested for their deaths since my brother and I burried them and since I sued the police station for miscarriage of justice In that time frame Elijah has been by my side helping me when I need it and being there for me when I feel like I want to be alone but need to have someone.  He even helped me go to my other place and get all my things and move them to my new home and Derrick had dealt with the saleing since he was so with business handling.

I have fallen in love with him but I am scared to say anything so I just keep that to myself and just enjoy being with him. He asked me recently if I was ok enough for us to go on our honeymoon. I told him yes so he got everything set up. I had called my brother and let him know that I was about to go on my honeymoon but he was more then welcome to call or text me if something comes up or just in general.

He just told me to go and enjoy myself that I needed the distance from this place and the memories that he will be fine, I told him I love him before I hung up with him.


Lijah surprised me with a trip to Barcelona. "Trust me when I tell you that you will fall in love with this place. It's my favorite city in Spain to visit." I looked at him as we were mid-flight and smiled. "I've seen pictures and videos and always wanted to come here, so thank you for this it means a lot. " he nodded his head and grabbed my hand as we curled up with one another in our own personal little plane area.

When we landed and got our things and headed towards a taxi I let Lijah do all the talking since I don't speak Spanish. We climbed in and off to where we are to stay while we are speniding our honeymoon in this beautiful city. I was distracted by looking at the sceneray that I didn't hear Lijah speak or notice we was at our destiontion. It wasn't until he kissed my shoulder that I turned and looked at him and he smiled. "We are here" he said and I blushed as II nodded and scooted out the taxi and followed him inside holding his hand so I didn't wonder off or get lost.

The front desk worker greeted us and welcomed us to the hotel. While he talked to her I looked around taking in the decor and the set up. the far right conere was a bar. behind the bar is the elevators in front of them is stairs. Lijah grabbed my hand and headed towards the elevators and pressed the button. "This is called hotel Bagues and we have the Jewel suite which has it's own private terrace and is on the top floor. Also on the terrace it has a spa" he tells me.

When we arrive at our Suite I cant wait to walk in and see it for myself. He opened the door and scooped me up like he did the night of our wedding and our first night in our place and he carried me across the threshold. I chuckkled a little as he set me down then went to close the door while I took to viewing the suite. in the walk way to the bedroom was a long sofa type cound with one arm rest, infront of that was a flat sceen and above that was two windows. I walked into the room and seen it as a king size bed the head borad was padded and there was nothing that could bacg against the wall on it. I looked out the sliding glass door and seen a little seating area that was part of the terrece. to the right was the bathroom so I walked in and seen black marble and a detachable showerhead.

"I swear if he uses that on me he will be screwed and my world will be shattered into tiny stars of pleasure" i said to my inner self who agreed. after I walked out of the bathroom and walked out of the room I seen that there was a dinning area and then I walked out on to the the private terrece and saw the spa and a bed close by. "Sex under the stars" I smiled and looked at Lijah as he joined me. "Would it be to soon to start?" I asked " I want to show you around this beautiful cit but that will wait till tomorrow for now lets go clean up and get into bed" he said I nodded as he took my hand and lead me inside shutting and locking the door behind me.

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