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"Elijah I swear to everything powerful if you don't fuck me in the next five minutes I will put your dick in a chastity," I swore as I laid under my husband who was teasing the hell out of me and being a little shit about it too.  "Oh yea?" he asked I looked at him since I couldn't touch him do to him having my hand's restraint behind my back and me on my knees with my head on the pillow.

I was getting pissed off and mad that he is pulling this shit with me right now, after the fucking dinner shit he pulled fingering me drawing me close to my orgasm then pulling away for twenty minutes only to go back. He kept doing that till the people were dinning with finished and we said our goodbyes after Elijah and the other guy split the bill.

From there Elijah brought me home carried me up to our toom stripped me down cuffed my hands behind my back stripped himself and then pushed me on to the bed and brought me up to my knees leaving my head on the pillow and my body how it is now while he continued his shitty teasing. " What's the matter Athena, you stopped threatening me" he teased and then slapped my already red ass from the previous spanking he gave me.

The next thing that happens it went so fast Elijah didn't have time to link. I got my hands to the front broke the cuffs and pinned him down and dropped his hands together and tied them tightly to the headboard before claiming off looking for the ket the to cuffs on me and letting my wrists free. "Funny trick baby now let me go and I wouldn't punish you too much." I looked at him and smirked evilly. "You in no position to threaten me Ba....by " I said dragging the word baby out.

He tugged and pulled on the not getting anywhere. I jumped up on the bed and grabbed his throat and squeezed."Enough big boy, calm down. Lil momma only wants your dick, and since you refused to give her whats she wants, then she is gonna take it herself self" I tell him. He looks at me with a new type of lust in his beautiful eyes. "Now be a good little boy for me and maybe you will be allowed to impregnate me" I state then smirk when he growls and bucks. I tighten my hold on his throat.

"Don't tempt me." He stops bucking and I let his throat off before rubbing my arms up and down his torso. "You want a family?" he looked at me while I was rubbing his chest before I looked up at him. "Yes, I have always wanted a family, I never had anyone worthy in my life to love or be loved by. no mother, father or siblings." I leaned down and kissed him "You have me, I love you and you have my brother," I tell him.

"Now as I recall some bad little boy teased me numerous times and denied my orgasms." I trailed my finger down his navel to the top of his pub bone and smirked. "So it's time for me to rally you up get you close then deny you" I stated as I nibble on my bottom lip and moved off him and gripped the shit out of his dick.

"Fuck that feels just like your walls when they have a death grip on me" I chuckled and beg to jerk him off adding flicks of my wrist and there then pumped harder and watched pre-cum ooze out when I saw his sac tighten up like it does when he is about to cum I let him go. waited twenty minutes and did it again.

I did that to him so many times his dick was an angry red and he was pissed off. "Don't teasing and ride me or let me go and I will pound your pussy so fucking hard you will feel me inside you for a year" he warned. "Oh, I am so scared" I mocked and acted as if I were shaking. "You're pushing your limits with me Athena and I don't like it." I looked from his eyes to his dick. "Yeah well, your shaft says otherwise" I stated.

I smiled and licked a few of my fingers and rubbed myself making sure I was extra wet to take this ride I am gonna go on. I straddled him and hovered right over his dick before and slipped him in me making him moan and me smile. "Still so big" I commented which made him smirk and look at me. I rubbed my hands up his torso all the way to his forearms and leaned over his face. "This is how this right here is gonna go ok, I am gonna ride you like no one has ever done to you before. you will not touch me when I let you go, you will hold my hands and just enjoy this and when and only when I say will you flip us over and pound me like a drum" I told him.

I bite his lip and pulled releasing it then bite done on it making me moan out. "Am I understood Elijah?" I knew the very minute I let him go my pussy was gonna be pounded so fucking hard and be so sore but I found that I didn't care that I actually couldn't wait for it to happen so without waiting for his reply I let him go and he did just like he warned. He flipped me over and fucked me so hard I felt like I was about to go through the damn bed. The headboard was beating the hell out of the wall. the bedsprings were squeaking. The bedpost was creaking about to give from this pressure. My body was screaming in pain from how rough he was doing me but I didn't cry out I didn't ask him to stop I moaned and encouraged him to do more.

I lost count of my orgasms after ten, my pussy was beyond sore and sensitive but he kept going and I was sure that he was doing this to hold true to his word of me feeling him for a year. He has orgasmed every single time I have and not once did his dick soften or attempt to not be hard.

Once he did get soft he pulled out and dropped down next to me. I was fully covered in sweat my breathing was way out of control. He just looked at me and then sat up propping his self up on his elbow and took in the look of my body in his after dominate fucking and he just smirked and laid back down proud of what he did. I wenched when I tried to move, my muscles were screaming in agony, my pussy was beyond agony if that's possible. I am sure that if I was to try and walk I would be like a drunk. Heck, I would be lucky if I even staggered.

With my body exhausted from what it just experienced and encountered it blacked my vison and I passed out and went to sleep.

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