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I looked at my brother as we stood there waiting for the bridal orchestra music. "I know you don't like this and don't agree to it, but I am doing this so you will not have anything happen to you. You are my brother and I love you so I will do all that I can to make sure nothing happens to you even if you're older. We have looked after one another for years so why stop now. I love you O'Conner and I will always love you" I tell him.

He looks at me and then hugs me and kisses my cheek through the veil. I smiled and we face forward and started walking up the Aisle and I saw Elijah in a nice looking suit. " Who gives this young lady to this man?" the officiator asked "I do," my brother said then lifted my vail kissed my other cheek then stood right behind me as I took Elijah's hands and the ceremony took place.

We repeated the vows from the officiator since we didn't do heartfelt ones. then the officer asked if anyone thinks we shouldn't be married to speak now. I thought that always happens before the vows but not with this guy, he asks the question after. Once the I do's was said and the rings were placed on the other's finger the officiator pronounced us man and wife Elijah grabbed me and pulled me to him and kissed me hard which was both panty soaking and rough.

When we pulled back I could tell my lips was a little swollen but I didn't complain, Instead, I grabbed his hand and we walked up the Aisle and headed to a private area for a little bride and groom pictures and alone time. We kissed like we were dating for years like we were in love with each other and it made me happy.

"Thank you for this, it means a lot," I tell him once we were done taking pictures. "Don't get used to it, I am not a nice guy" he stated. "I think you are. but I am not wanting to fight you went this is our big day so again thank you" I said then kissed him and grabbed his hand. "Can't wait till I fuck your brains out" he stated, "well right to it huh?" I asked he smirked and I looked at him and smiled.


The reception was just like the ceremony it was beautiful and I loved it. I know I should be showing loving emotion for how much he has done for mee on this day but this is a once in a lifetime thing for me, I don't plan to marry again so I will enjoy this one and be happy.

"Come dance with me, Elijah?" I asked as I offered my hand to him he took it and we walked to the dance floor where everyone else was at and he pulled me close. "Your right, I am a nice guy but I have to be the way I am around others. and even though this is arranged just to clear your family of debut I want you to know that you will not be abused by me, I won't rape you, hurt you and mean it, or threaten your life with a gun. I will protect you, provide for you, be there for you and honor you," he tells me I lift my head and look at him and smile before I kiss him softly.

 "I don't want to scare you or make you feel as if you have to have any feelings for me, all I ask is that you stick true to your word. and I will stick to mine, of never cheating, never being unfaithful, never trying to hurt you, never breaking your heart" I tell him which makes him cup the back of my neck and kiss me passionately. " I won't cheat on you ever" he promised and I nodded my head as he dropped his hand from my neck and rested it on my lower back while his other handheld mine between our bodies as we swayed to the music.

Once the music was done Elijah let me dance with my brother while he went and danced with my mom. I smiled at O'Conner and kissed his cheek. "I love you bubby and I will always love you," I tell him "I love you too and I will always be here for you like I promised," he said "I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder and we danced.

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