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After he felt our baby moving he got on his phone caleld someone and walked off a bi, I headed upstairs and put my gun away before walking back downstairs and was pulled and wrapped up in Lijah's arms. He rubbed my belly and moved my hair to the side before kissing me neck. My body naturally reacted and my head tilted to the side and my eyes closed while his hand slipped under the waistband on my pajams and he rubbed my clit so good andlubercated his fingers with my wetness before plunging two fingers deep inside me.

I gasped and grabbed his arms. "Fuck" I moaned out as I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was smirking as his finger fucked me good. "I missed this when you left. but that is ok I plan on making up for lost times and staying with you till ourr baby is born then we will go house hunting buy a new home and move in there keepping this for a vacation home" I didn't pay fully attention to anything but his damn fingers.  "Do you understand?" when I didn't reply he stopped what he was doing. "No" I whinned " I said do you understand" he repeated "Yes I understand. now please keep going i am so close" I begged. He smiled and went back to pleasuring me.

My grip on his arm tightened and I stood up on my tip toes as my orgams shoot through me nearly knocking me on my ass had Lijah not been behind me holding me to him the whole time. "Look at me Athena" he ordered and I did liked I was told, I looked at him and he kissed me. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him closer. We would have went further but someone choose that time to knock on the door.

Elijah removed his fingers and let me go as he walked over to the door sucking his fingers clean before he unlocked and opened the door. I seen Matt standing there "hi Matt" I greeted with a wave, he smiled and waved back. "Hello Athena" he reoplied with a wave. "Enough greeting lets get my things so I can get some sleep" Elijah said then walked out to Matt's car grabebd some bags and then stood there talking with Matt about something while I fidgeted not knowing what to do.

I finally decided to go offer my help. "Can I have a couple bags?" I asked and reached for the one on Elijah's shoulder but he grabbed my hand "Ypu go inside and get cleaned up and in bed I will be right up in a few minutes I am going over the last minute housing sale with matt so he can tell the realtors what I want" Lijah said. I dropped my hands and nodded " night Matt tell the others I said hi" I tell him.

"Night Athena and I will tell them he said. I turned and headed off inside and went upstairs showered and got into my nightwear. Well another pair of pajamas since his ffingering made me cum and get it all over my bottoms. I jsut climbed into bed when Lijah walked in. " Well hello there sexy lil momma, you ready for daddy?" he asked as he shut the door dropped his bags and joined me after kicking off his shoes.

"I am ready for you if your ready for me" I replied. He said nothing just pulled me closer and kissed me roughly at first then softened up and started kissing my passionately. He laid on his back removed his top then his jeans and pulled up the covers and lay back down and covered us both up before having me lay on my side and he wrapped his arms around my while I laid my had on his shoulder.

"Night my beautiful angel," he said then kissed my forehead then laid back down and rubbed the side of my belly which lulled me to sleep.

I honestly missed being able to sleep in his arms and I know its my fault for not waiting and talking to him about it, instead I left him and never told him where I was. He instead found out by showing up to the post office where I have a p.o box and flirted harmlessly with the worker and got my address where he came and got me back.

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