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Lijah's and my honeymoon has bee erotic. The next day when we woke up we both stripped and made love in bed then moved it to the shower. He took me out and showed me around his favorite city and I fell in love with it, the culture, the history, the decor, the architecture of the city is beautiful. When we got back to the hotel I pushed him down on the sofa type thing in the walkway to our room and I rode him long and hard there moaning and gasping as I felt our bodies pull apart and rekindle.  Since we didn't have sex the first night there the remainder nights Lijah took me on the private terrace and made love to me in the spa, on the bed on the seating area outside our bedroom. While I took him in the dining area, the entryway, the living room and up against the wall under the two windows in the walkway to our room as the sunset.


Now that the honeymoon is over its back to business. Elijah went back to work as if what we did in Barcelona never happened. It hurt but it also reminded me that the whole thing between us was not a relationship it was a deal to get my dad out a debt. There were no feelings allowed just business. The sex is incredible and so erotic. But coming back home is like being hit in the face by reality.

 I have looked for work and I finally found me a place that is for a magazine so I quickly put in my application sent my resume in and I got a call to come in for an interview so that is what I am doing right this very minute. I slipped on a simple knee-length black pencil skirt and a light grey button-up that I tucked into my skirt and grabbed my shaw blazer that was black and slipped it on before I brushed my hair up into a professional-looking high ponytail then proceeded to go with a winged cat-eye look, put some mascara on then glossed my lips before I headed to my closet grabbed my dark grey stiletto heels and slipped them on picked up my clutch and walked out the door I looked for Lijah but didn't see him so I wrote a quick note and left heading towards the company I hoped to work for which is named Lake magazine.

The interview seemed to go like a breeze it was simple, I told them some things about me, I told them how my grade in college was, how I was one of the few that were graduating top of my class. I told them how I have a passion for writing hence why I want to write or be a journalist. The lady who interviewed me thanked me for coming in and assured me that they will give me a call after she talks it over with her team and sees what they think. I headed home and walked in seeing a very pissed off, Elijah.

 "Where the fucking hell have you been, and what did I tell you about answering your phone?" he said while standing there with his arms folded looking sexy as fuck even with his intense stare my freaking panties was ruined. "I left a note on the counter did you note to see it. and as for the answering me phone I got tired of having me ex call me using unknown numbers so I turned my phone off. I didn't think about cutting it back on after my interview" I replied as I shut the front door drop my keys in the bowl and slip off my heels before walking passed him and up to my room.

"That fucker is still bothering you after I told his ass not to?"  I nodded my head and I unbuttoned my blazer and took it off then went to reach behind me to unzip my skirt but Elijah walked up and beat me to it. He moved my hair to the side and kissed my neck softly. " I feel as if I have been ignoring you since we have come home. I don't see you anymore and when I got home you weren't here I didn't see any note so I tried calling and I got pissed when I kept getting your voicemail," he explained. I held my skirt up while I turned and looked at him. " I didn't want to say anything from how you were being so I figured you was gonna treat this as it was. nothing but an arranged marriage that cleared my father of debt with you" I tell him then walked off into my closet and strip down.

"That is what this was supposed to be and may feel like it still is which is my fault but I have started falling in love with you and I don't want you to feel as if I will treat our marriage as it was originally supposed to be," he tells me as he walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me holding me close. I couldn't get over what he just told me. I mean he all but said those three words but it's the same thing.

I looked at him "with how you have treated me since we married, with you being there for me when I found my parents murdered, you help me when I was falsely arrested for their murder when I need a shoulder to cry on when I was dealing with my parents funeral alongside my brother. I fell in love with you, and I took this arrangement as something other then what it started as. I took it as a new path in my life with someone who knows how to treat me who shows me that he cares and who even though he is dealing in illegal guns he has yet to harm me and he might love me."

"There is no might to it Athena I do love you, I fallen for you when I first seen you in your parent's house." I smiled and fully face him cupped his cheek and kissed him. "Then you wouldn't mind showing me just how much you love me" I stated "No I won't mind one bit," he said they took me to bed and mad slow passionate love to me throughout the night.

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