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"You know we have yet to talk about baby names" I stated as I sat across from Lijah in the living room me on the sofa and him in the single chair. "You never told me what we are having, every time you sent me a letter you would just say our baby not what we are having" he reminded me. I sighed and shook my head, I knew that was gonna be brought up.

"What?" I just shook my head " nothing forget it ok, just forget it alright. I am a fucking horrible person who left you for three months never told you anything about our baby, and you won't fucking let me live it down, yet when you do shit like this I don't fucking hark on it."

He looked at me not saying anything so I slowly got up using the armrest and back of the sofa to get up with my huge belly. My hand went right to the lower part of my back to try and relieve pressure off my spine which did very little. I waddle away from him not liking how I can't go any faster like I use to but this is life.

I reach for a cup but with my huge belly in the way, I can't reach it. But the brush against my back and tells me Elijah is there reaching up to get it. I say nothing just take it and walk over to the fridge and grab the pitcher of sweet tea and fill my glass full then close the pitcher and set it back in the fridge before grabbing my cup and closing the door and waddling off.

"So you're gonna yell and say fuck at me then walk off and not talk to me? I stopped in my tracks and closed my eyes before opening them and turning to face Elijah who was standing there with his arms folded.

"What do you want to say?" he drops his arms and stalks towards me grabbing my glass and sitting it on the counter before he bends down and lifts me into his arms by my ass. He walks over and places me on the back on the couch and keeps me there.

"What are we having?" I studied him for a minute before I speak " boy" I say and his eyes light up and he has the biggest smile on his face. " Yea?" he asks in clarification I simply nod my head before he grabs my face and kisses me. "I am having a son" he states while holding my face in his hands and kissing me a few more times before he kneels and lifts my shirt and kisses my stomach.

He then stands up picks me up and carries me bridal up the stairs to our bedroom where he lays my in bed and removes my top so he can toy with me and talk to our son. Mainly talk with our son.

"Hey, can I please have my tea, your son has been craving that for the past hour," I say breaking off his discussion about guns to our baby. "And the mafia is a big hell no, he isn't knowing or working in the mafia, I don't care if it's a family tradition or not. it ends with you" I tell Elijah as he walks out the room to get my tea while I go and slip on my pajamas and try to relieve some pain from my sore tits that if I was to bet is really full and I am about to leak milk out. I am seriously surprised that when Elijah squeezed them milk didn't shoot out.

"We will talk about the mafia ordeal,", Lijah says as he walks into the room and hands me my drink. "What is there to talk about, he isn't getting into that type of business, it won't be forced on him, he is allowed to have a mind of his own and know that what ever career he wants his parents will support him not make him be in something just casue his daddy was," I tell him.

He sighed but he knew I was right with all that I said. I mean what kind of parents would we be if we told our son that he can't have the career he wants that he has to take over his dad's job as the leader of the mafia.

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