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Things were quiet for a few months no threats no warning nothing. But Lijah didn't rest he kept guard up and he made sure that I was ok along with our baby.

I am four months pregnant was a month when I found out. I have a bump but it's not huge like some women would have. It looks as if I took a deflated Basketball and placed it under my shirt.

Elijah has a habit of rubbing it when he is concentrating on something or if we are laying in bed and he is doing something on his laptop he will reach over and just start rubbing my stomach which makes me smile.


"Boss incoming" Matt said running into Elijah's and my bedroom. He nodded and helped me up and handed slipped a gun into the back on my pants before covering it with my shirt. I looked at him. He didn't say anything to me just opened the hidden room entry and gestured for me to fo in. I sighed and went to walk in but he grabbed me by my hair and pulled it back and kissed me hard.

"I love you baby and I will see you when I kill this fucker" He promised as he let my hair go o and slapped my butt. I nodded "I love you Elijah, please stay safe" I begged as he shut the door and I went to the far O'Conner and leaned against the wall and waited.

I paced the room, I chewed my nails off as I waited and waited for Elijah to come back. or someone to come and get me but nothing happen nobody showed. I found out that the room is soundproof so whatever happens outside of it can not be heard inside. Which didn't help me but it did help my nerves in a way casue it keeps me from worrying and harming mine and Elijah's baby.

I heard the door to the hideout open and I Quickly grabbed my Glock and hit behind the chair in case someone had found it and was coming to kill me.

"Athena" they called out and I knew it wasn't Elijah or any of the guys. Nope, it was my very own brother. The backstabbing motherfucker. "Oh, Athena come out. Come out...where ever you are, I won't hurt you or your baby" he said as he walked closer. I got ready for what could be the end of me or him. I slowly stood up careful not to give way that my gun was pointing at him already but was hiding.

"There you are dear sister, now let's go out there and join the party, I am sure your little husband will just love to see you while I take the life from your eyes," he said  "That won't be happening Conner see I will be killing you and as for my husband well he will be killing your master," I said which made him mad and he lunged at me. I shot him and he grabbed his torso. I walked over fisted his hair  and held the gun to his temple. " See there are things about me new family you won't know of, but as for my old family, well you don't exist." I said then shot him . he dropped to the ground and I tucked the gun in my waistband  and walked out of the hiding I went and cleaned my face and headed out.

I was on a killing spree, every single guy that I knew wasn't working for Elijah I shot them in the head. Once I walked into the living room I saw Elijah holding his bloody torso and a man standing in front of him so I quietly checked my clip before I slipped it back in and walked up behind the man.

"Drop your gun right now," I said "Ah! little miss Athena coming to save the day," he said, " look I don't know who you are or why you are after me, but this ends right now and if you don't drop your gun I will scatter your brains among the wall now DROP YOUR GUN."

He dropped his gun and went to fight me but I used the technique that derrick taught me and he dropped. When he went for his gun I shot him in his hand making him yell out and go to reach for it with the other before I shot his other hand. He fell onto his back and I stood over him.

"You killed my parents so I will kill you," I said then blew his brains out. Matt and the others came running in while I went to Elijah. "Don't you dare leave me?" I told him as he passed out. "Everyone is dead" Benji told me. I nodded and had Nate and Derrick lift Elijah and told them to take him to the car. I grabbed my phone, keys, and purse and headed out to the car got in while the put Elijah in the back and I took off breaking every single speed limit not caring at all.

When I got to the hospital I parked and got out of my car and pulled Elijah out while Matt took and parked the car. I walked into the hospital "SOMEONE HELP ME MY HUSBAND HAS BEEN SHOT"   screamed and watched as the doctor and nurses rushed over and took him from my hands placing him in a wheelchair and rushing him off. I ran after them. The lifted him up on a bed and rushed him to OR. A nurse blocked me telling me I couldn't follow.

"You tel that doctor to make sure he keeps my husband alive I don't care about the charge or anything, money is no issue. That he works on my husband till he makes it and keeps working on him too he is healed" I tell the nurse. She nodded her head and walked off while I headed to the waiting area and another nurse came and asked questions. I told her that I was not filling anything out that the money and nothing at all was not going through insurance and that cops know what happens and everything else is taken care of. She left and I sat there rubbing my belly.

"Don't worry Bumpkin daddy will be just fine, he will make it through this and be will you and we will be a family," I say to my stomach as I rub it.

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