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It seemed like once the inducing of the guy I was to marry and his men was done along with the dinner that my dad stated as a surprise. Things started happening fast, mom got started on planning the wedding, Dad and Elijah talked more of when the debut would be clear and the rest of my family along with my brother left heading home or out with friends.

"So Athena what is it that you do?" Der asked " Well I am a freelance Photographer and a struggling journalist" I replied " Struggling?" Matt asked I nodded " I am looking for a place that will hire me to weather it be a new place, a writing business or just a communication business but I am getting nowhere so, for now, I am sticking with freelance photography" I answered him.

They all nodded then Nate went to speak but was cut off by Elijah, " The wedding planning has already been planned the only thing needed is Athena to go dress shopping, so instead of talking on the phone go get her and take her dress shopping" Elijah said to I assume my mother. "Bossy huh," I said more than asked " when he means business and doesn't want delays," Nate said

"Or when he wants things done right away," Benji said "right was all I said before standing up and grabbing my keys. "That won't be necessary, Benji and Derick will escort the two of you to the shops and one of them has my card so there is no spending limit," Elijah said which made me jump a little. " I can buy my own dress," I tell him "you can also do as you told" he started walking closer to me. "I would if I was told nicely but see you didn't tell me anything just stated" I replied then walked passed him which he followed and grabbed my arm.

"Look since we are to marry there will be ground rules," he said I smiled " of course there is, how silly of me to think this is all just us coming here as if we were dating for a year or two and I dropped the bomb, "mom, dad I am getting married, oh! by the way, he is in whatever type of business he does," I said. "Your attitude needs to be gone before we marry" he states.

"My attitude will be going nowhere, I am to marry you so you are to marry me and deal with my attitude" I reply then remove my arm from him and blew him a kiss before walking out with my very shocked mother. "Hard-headed child" I heard and chuckled.


When we got to the first bridal shop I browsed but seen nothing just like the next four shops. But when I got into the fifth one it was as if I walked into a wonderland. there was tons of beautiful gowns left, right, center, all around. So I took my time picking and trying on dresses before I dropped down to some choices.

One was a light blush colored mermaid type, one was an on the shoulders Ivory and lace, had one  that was lace and half off the shoulders, Strapless, and one that was the one I was realyl wanting. Which it was heart shape top corset, that had a body hugging middle and two layers of lace overing my feet. It's origanally plus sized but I asked if they had it in mine but the lady said no and that no alterrations could be done to it.

So when I walked out with it on I was not happy like I was when I first walked through the doors. "Oh wow darling that dress is so stunning, it is so perfect for you" Mom said and that made me teary eyed and I felt so freaking bad that Der and Benji had to see this, I mean I feel like a spoiled kid about to have a huge fit.

"What is wrong?" Benji asked "yea don't you love it?" Der asked.  I snuffled and wiped my eyes. "I do love this dress so much, its beautiful,its perfect, it's my dream dress but I can't get it" I tell them as I sniffled and was handed a tissue from my mom. "Why not she asked?"

I looked at her "I asked the worker if there was one just like this in my size sinze this is plus size, and she said no and that this one can not have altercations." With that said I gathered up the dress but not before Benji snapped a picture of it. I headed to the dressing room and changed out of the stunningly beautiful dress and into my clothes and wiped my eyes and walked back out.

"I am ready to go" I tell them, they all nodded their heads and head out with me, The manager tried to get us to purchase a dress but I wouldn't unless it was that one dress I fell in love with.

Heart of Elijah (complete)Where stories live. Discover now