Grumpy Washington At Disneyland (S) |Washingdad|

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Ships:Lams, Jeffmads, Kingbury, and Mullette

Kinda rushed

Almost everyone's gonna be in this too


"We made it to the happiest place on Earth, it's 9am, now I gotta schedule every minute of our day till 9pm." Washington told the Hamilsquad+ other peeps at the gates of Disney Land.

"Pay attention and stay close." He said, eyeing the Hamilsquad in particular.

Everyone nodded and went to do the activities with Martha Washington, leaving Washington alone with Seabury and KGIII. Seabury was nervous because he doesnt do well in big crowds, and KGIII was staying with Seabury cuz he's protective of him.

"Hey... uh.. Washington?" Thomas asked as he approached him with Madison. "Can we visit the Hall Of Presidents?" Thomas asked him. He was secretly hoping to see himself, aswell as Madison.

Washington groaned at them, "Fine, but tell me if I'm there." He whispered to Thomas, who nodded in response.

"I flew my family halfway across from America and all they want to do is visit the hall of presidents." He thought to himself.

"We need a map." Washington thought to himself out loud. He glared at Alex. "No-" "ANYBODY HAVE A MAP?!" Alex sung happily and skipped away.  Washington sighed.

Theodosia shyly approached Washington with mouse ears and handed them to Washington. "C-can you buy these for me please?" She asked him. Washington looked at the price tag. "$45 for bedazzled mouse ears? Honey, you want these or you wanna go to college?" He asked her back. "But I already graduated." She muttered while walking away.

Washingdad went out to find Alex, when he was approached by a man in a Tigger costume. "Absolutely not," he said while fast walking away from it. "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" He started raising his voice and pushing back the Tigger.

After a while of walking he finally found Alex who was with John. They were waiting in line for a ride that had water involved. "It's 9:30 in the morning! It's too early to get wet!" He scolded them as he dragged them out of the line.

Lafayette had been looking for Washington, when he finally found him he got excited. "Can I go see impressions of France?" He asked Washington excitedly. Washington looked over at the line for it. "We are not waiting an hour for 'Impressions Of France." He told Laf, "Eat a baguette and lose a world war, that's my impression of France. Let's go to Space Mountain." He said harshly to the boy and walked away.

Laf walked away sadly with Herc comforting him.(can we get another #stoplafabuse)

As Washington was walking to space mountain Alex and John came up to him with John in a stroller. "Guess what we found!~" John said in a singsong voice. Washington sighed at them. "I'm not pushing him in a stroller! He's 21!" Washington sighed, getting John out of the stroller and offering it to a family with a baby.

Alex sighed after he gave it away, "Oh, I found that map you were looking for." He handed Washington the map. "We're gonna go to Splash Mountain." He told Washington and started running off with John.

Washington was holding the map upside down. "Hey! You're going the wrong way! Splash Mountain is this way!"

                  TIME SKIP

It was lunch and they were all sitting down, eating the sandwiches Martha made. KGIII came up to Washington with Goofy-Shaped chicken nuggets and sat down. "No, you cannot have Goofy-shaped chicken nuggets! Martha made sandwiches." He sighed at him.

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