The Tomato (O)

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More of TJ and HamHam being enemies

Explains for people who don't know. If you know you can skip this A/N thing. Basically in the 1700s people thought that tomatoes were poisoness because when someone ate one they would get sick. But it was actually because of the plate that it was served on. I think the plate was made out of mercury


Me, James, Washington, and Hamilton were sitting down and discussing politics. It was quite boring, actually.

Hamilton and I got into a couple of fights in which I obviously won by the way.

It was almost lunch time so I decided to daydream until then while Hamilton started talking. I tried to make it look like I was paying attention, but I think he noticed.

"Can you like, pay attention for once, Jefferson?" Hamilton groans while throwing a piece of wadded up paper at my face.

I roll my eyes at him to which he scoffs at. He gets back to his plan, still eyeing me.

I think about what I'm going to eat for lunch, since I'm already hungry. I remember picking some fresh tomatoes from the garden before I left. So I packed them for lunch.

The thing is, they're going to freak out once they see me with a tomato. Because, they're rumored to be dangerous. But at this point, I don't care. I'd rather die right now than listen to Hamilton's boring speech.

Then, I have an idea.

Next time Hamilton argues with me, I'll pull the tomato out and take a bite out of it like an apple. Might freak him out, might not, since he doesn't care if I die or not- BACK ONTO THE SUBJECT!

I start glancing at the clock every few seconds. Hamilton eventually got tired of me not paying attention to his speech so he starts arguing with me again.

When he's not looking, I grab the tomato and hold it in my hands.

"Can you seriously just pay attention?-" I interrupted his rant with the tomato. I take a bite out of it before he can finish that sentence.

Washington sends me a concerned glance before rushing to go get a medic. James, on the other hand, starts worrying and freaking out. He runs behind Washington to go get me some medicine.

Hamilton just stares at me with his arms crossed and sending me a disapproving glare.

"What?" I say innocently, my mouth still filled with some parts of the tomato. 

"You could have given your boyfriend a heart attack!" He sighs. "Who-" I was about to question, my boyfriend?

"James Madison." He says to me like I'm a toddler. 

"Atleast I'm not dating John-" I start to argue, sitting up. "DON'T BRING HIM INTO THIS!" Hamilton interrupts me, flushed with embarrassment.

"So its true?~" I say in a lovey-dovey way.

He sighs. "There are 1,013,150 words in the entire English dialect, yet there is not a SINGLE COMBINATION that describes my urge to hit you with a chair." He growls while picking up a swivel chair and hurdling it at me.

"Hey! I invented that.." I muttered while dodging the chair.

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