Shippers Unite (O,F) |Lams, Mullette|

277 9 8

Modern College AU sorta

Sorry the pic above is blurry


"We need a way to get Laurens and Alex together..." I said, stroking my invisible beard while talking to my friend, Lafayette.

"It's obvious they have feelings for eachother. But they're too blind to see." He sighed while sitting up from the couch he was on. "This calls for drastic measures." I say dramatically.

"Like what?" "You and Hercules share a dorm with them, right?" I ask him, he nods. "Great! All y'all gotta do is lock them in a room and hope for the best." I instruct him. "And if that doesn't work out?" He questions, already texting Herc the plan. "Then a classic horror movie should do the trick! John's horrified of them." I chuckle. "Great! Herc is on his way so we can get it all set out."

While we were waiting for Herc me and Laf decided to talk ships. 

"So who are you going to ship next?" He asks me. "You and Herc." I mumble under my breath so he doesn't hear me. "What?" He asks, tilting his head. "Oh! Uh, George King and Samuel Seabury probably." I let out a nervous laugh. He can't know about my plan for him and Herc.

After a while Hercules got to my house and we discussed the plan.

"What horror movie should they watch if the first plan doesn't work?" Herc asked. I grab my phone and pull up Netflix to check the horror genre. "What about this one?" I ask, holding my phone in front of them.

"Ze.... V V itch?" Laf questions, his accent thick. "It says The Witch." I facepalm. "Not my fault the W looks like two Vs." he mumbles while crossing his arms like a child.

"What about Childs Play?" Herc suggests, pulling out a movie on Netflix with the Chucky doll. "Perfect!" I jump up and start heading to Herc, Laf, Alex, and Laurens dorm, with Laf and Herc following me. We go up to the second floor to where their dorm is. Herc pulls out his schedule once we get inside.

"Should we settle with just the horror movie instead of locking them in a room?" Herc asks, realizing how early the classes start tomorrow. I sigh but agree.

"Ok, so, I'll be at home since y'all are going to do this late at night. So it's up to y'all to take a picture and snap it to me if it was successful, alright?" I whisper to them, knowing that Alex and John's rooms we're nearby. They nod and salute to me like they were soldiers on a mission.

"I'll see y'all later! Remember to Snap me!" I whisper yell while jumping out the window in a stealthy style, and falling into a bush. The bush breaking my fall.


"Couldn't she have just... walked out the door?..." Laf asks while sticking his head out the window to make sure Peggy is ok.

"She's Peggy, what do you expect?" I chuckle while pulling out Netflix on the TV and selecting the movie Child's Play. Now all we gotta do is call Alex and John.

I signal Laf to call them. "ALEX! JOHN! COME HERE!" Laf screams.

They both rush out, accidentally bumping into eachother when they get out of their rooms.

"What's up?" Alex asks while John is cuddling with his turtle plushie.

"Wanna have a movie night?" I ask while pointing near the TV. Alex looks excited. "YESSS! A horror movie!" And bounces to the couch. John on the other hand, looked nervous, squeezing his turtle plush even harder.

"It's fine mon ami." Laf assures him and leads him to the couch. John nods and sits down next to Alex.

Me and Laf sit down and I can't help but blush for some reason. Oh nooooo.... if Peggy finds me acting like this around Laf she'll start shipping us too!

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