Philip In The Workplace (S)

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Pip is nine in this


Basically Jefferson and Hamilton being enemies again

3rd Person P.O.V

"Now Philip," Alexander turned around to his son before they got into the office. Philip looked up at his father. "Stay away from the man with poofy hair wearing magenta, alright?" Philip wanted to question his father but he didn't, he only nodded.

Today wasn't exactly "Bring Your Kid To Work Day". No. Eliza was out having a breakfast with Angelica and Peggy. He couldn't have anybody babysit Philip since it was a work day today. And everyone he trusted Philip with was working at his office.

Alexander sat Philip next to his desk while he started working on his papers. When all of a sudden Thomas opens the door.

"Washington wanted me to ask you if you've seen Laurens-" Thomas stops when he looks up from the papers he's holding. 

"No, I haven't seen him. Why are you asking me?" Alex sounded annoyed. "Because, you're close to him." Thomas sighed. 

He looked down near Alexander's desk to find Philip. 

"So you brought your kid to work today, Hamilton?" He asks while sitting down next to him. Alexander got really protective and was trying to stop himself from not punching Jefferson in front of Philip.

"Yes, and he's very young and impressionable so don't do or say anything inappropriate." He growled at Jefferson.

"Hear you loud and clear Secretary Hamilton!" Jefferson said cheekily. Alexander was slightly uncomfortable by the tone. "I don't like your tone." He said wearily before turning back to his papers.

Jefferson smirked and turned back to Philip, who was smiling at him.

Jefferson glanced over at Alexander to make sure he wasn't paying attention. Alexander was. He just wanted Jefferson to think that he wasn't.

"Fu-" Jefferson was about to say in front of Philip when Alexander quickly dove off his desk and pushed Jefferson out of the way.

Philip looked scared so he backed away to the corner slowly.

After Alexander finished hurting Jefferson, Thomas walked out of the office mumbling, "Worth it."

Alexander sighed. "Like I said, stay away from that man." He told Philip sternly, who nodded.


"LAF I NEED YOUR HAIR TIE!" Thomas shouted to Laf, who was getting a drink of water with his boyfriend, Hercules.

"Uh-why?...." Laf asked. "Hamilton brought his kid to work and he won't let me see him." Thomas said sadly.

"Yea... no.. Mon ami would kill me if I did that." Laf sighed while turning away. "plEASEEEEEEEE!!!" Thomas grabbed Laf's leg, begging.

Lafayette mouthed "help me" to Hercules, who was trying to hold in his laughter.

"Wait, did you say petite lion brought Philip to work?" Laf asked. "That's the kid's name? If yes, then, yea, he did." Thomas said while getting up and brushing off the dust on his pants.

"I haven't seen him in a while. I might go visit him." Laf whispered to Herc so Thomas couldn't hear his plan. Herc nodded because he was gonna go with Laf.

"I gotta go." Laf said while walking away from Thomas, who groaned.

Thomas was silent for a while. Trying to think of someone else to complain to.

"...........JAMEEESSSSS!" Thomas cried out, walking to his office.

"Is this about Philip?" James sighed. Thomas nodded. "How did you know?" He asked. "I saw him." "Alex let you see him? Am I the only one he doesn't trust?!" Thomas complained more, throwing his hands in the air.

"Afraid so." James said sarcastically. Thomas grumbled and walked out.

After more of Thomas' many attempts to see Alexander's kid, he got Peggy to babysit him, after she was getting ignored at the breakfast.

Alexander was annoyed at Thomas for him trying to teach Philip how to swear.

He'd rather have Peggy let him know what shipping is rather then letting him spend a day with Jefferson.

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