Burr Did WHAT? |Mullette| (O)

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I have found another one of ze pictures.


I was sitting down in the kitchen eating frootloops. I heard that Eliza forgave Alex about the Reynolds Pamphlet. But unfortunately, over their son, Philip's death.

I was enjoying my loops when all of a sudden I hear a knock on the door. I didn't really want to get up since I just got comfortable. I was about to call for Hercules, but I realized he was probably sewing some clothes.

Reluctantly, I get up and open the door. I see a news paper on the ground. I look around, confused. I didn't order any newspaper.

"Mon amour, did you get newspaper?" I ask my boyfriend, shouting so he can hear me. I turn around with the paper in my hands and shut the door. 

"What?" He asks, sticking his head out of his door frame. I wave the newspaper from where I was standing. He looks confused and shakes his head.

"What do the headlines say?" He asks, still sewing. I unfold the paper and look at the headlines.


The headlines practically screamed.

I sigh, Alex challenged another person to a duel over politics again.

"It's just petite lion being dumb again." I sigh. "Like what?" "He challenged Burr to a duel." I say while placing the newspaper down on the counter and going back to eating.

Herc comes over to where I'm sitting. "He challenged AARON BURR to a duel?" He repeats, picking up the paper. I nod and tiredly get back to my cereal.

He opens the newspaper and holds it close to his face, studying the headlines. He looks shocked after a while. I glance at him, confused. 

"B-Burr shot Alex." He stutters.

Oh merde.

"Is he alive?" I ask, kinda worried. "It doesn't say." He says while tilting the paper, looking for if Alex is dead or not.

"You owe me five bucks." I mutter, remembering our deal that if Aaron shot Alex, mon amour would have to give me five bucks.


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