Pass The Salt (O)

251 11 3

Pretty short cuz I'm working on a big chapter

3rd Person P.O.V

Alex was sitting down at the table, eating some tortilla chips.

"Hey John?" He spoke with a mouthful of chips. "Yea?" John called back from the other side of the table. Alexander swallowed the chips in his mouth before speaking again. "Can you pass some salt please?" He asked while focusing on his chips. John looked excited. "Sure!" He beamed.

Alexander decided to shrug off why John was excited. Until he heard, "JOHN! WHAT THE FUCK?! PUT ME DOW-" Burr was screeching but he was cut off when John threw him towards Alexander.

"OW!" They both groaned at the same time. 

"John, I asked for a little bit of salt! I don't want to get dehydrated!" He snarked at Burr. Burr scoffed at Alexander and got off of him, making sure to put his hand on his head and take his time after that snarky remark.

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