I'll Protect You.. |Jeffmads| (A,F)

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Requested by blue11086 Hope you like it :D

James Madison will be James, Jemmy, or Madison in this and James Reynolds will just be Reynolds in this.

TW:swearing and fighting, blood?



Highschool AU


It was a normal, peaceful day. Thomas and Hamilton hadn't got into any fights... yet... but most important, James Reynolds hasn't bothered me all day like he usually does! Probably because I've been trying my best to avoid him all day. Thomas knows he bothers and hurts me, he threatened to hurt Reynolds If he hears that he hurt me again.

Yea, I don't like Reynolds, but I can't let Thomas hurt him. I'm not petty.

Everything was fine until I saw him at lunch.

I was sitting down at my usual spot, Thomas was running late to lunch because his teacher pulled the "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do." card. 

I was sitting down, eating, when I completely forgot about Reynolds. Until I saw him and his girlfriend, Maria, sitting at the table across from me.

Maria was listening to whatever the heck Reynolds was telling her. I saw him glance over at me for about a split second before he whispered something to Maria. Maria sent me a worried glance before looking down at her lap.

I decided it would be best to ignore him and read my book. Yep, not the right decision.

I heard footsteps approach me, when I looked up from my book, I saw Reynolds. I sent a quick glance his way before darting my eyes back to my book, pretending I didn't notice him.

I was trying not to stare at him like he was staring at me. When all of a sudden, he slams my book shut on my fingers.

I yelp in pain before quickly taking my hand out of the book, I decide, screw it, I'm looking at him.

Before I can even register what's happening, I see Reynolds throwing my food plate at me.

I look at all of the food that's on me before darting my eyes around the room to see if anybody noticed. I saw a few people send me looks of sympathy while some gave Reynolds a "wtf" look.

I rush out of the lunch room and into the bathroom. 

I start grabbing paper towels and wetting them in attempt to get the food out. I sigh and sink down in the corner of the bathroom, still trying to get the food out.


The teacher did the "the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do," excuse again, so me, Hamilton and his friends, George, and Lee were stuck in the class room.

The teacher was lecturing us about talking and that "we were wasting our own time, if we run late to lunch it's our fault."

Half of the time people were glancing over at the  clock.

"Well, I guess we're not going to lunch then." The teacher told us, even though nobody had talked.

"It's fine, I brought one." Lee shrugged while pulling a lunch sack out of his backpack and then opening it.

I wasn't even paying attention to the teacher lecturing Lee about his behavior, I was more worried about Jemmy. James and Reynolds have lunch period together. And I've had to learn from Maria that Reynolds had been hurting James. Of course, I didn't tell Jemmy or Reynolds how I found out, for the sake of what Reynolds would do to Maria. Hey, Maria helped me with my boyfriend so I'm not throwing her under the bus.

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