Super Smash Bros (O)

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Idk what this chapter is- this is probably like a crack chapter


Somewhat rushed

3rd Person P.O.V

Alexander decided to show his friends a new switch game he got. Which as Super Smash Bros. They all decided to have a game night with it. Lafayette invited his cousin, Jefferson, much to Alex's delight (sarcasam) and Hercules invited his cousin, Madison. So now Alex had to spend a night with his friends + two people he doesn't like at all!

They were setting up the TV and turning on the remotes. They all got seated once they got the remotes ready.

"I call Bowser!" John giggled as he chose his character. "Is it because he's a turtle-" Alex was about to ask. "Yes." John interrupted, already knowing what the question was.

Lafayette chose Pichu and Thomas chose Pikachu. "Merde, now we're going to have trouble telling them apart." Lafayette groaned to Thomas, who just shrugged.

Hercules chose Zelda and Madison chose Sheik. "Are we seriously doing this now-" Hercules said. "Why'd you choose a princess?" Alex asked. "Why'd you let me be a flower girl at your wedding?" Herc fought back. "Touché." Alex whispered while he fidgeted with his controller buttons.

"I choose Kirby!" Alexander said excitedly. "Why are you so excited about a pink thing that sucks?" Thomas jokingly asks him. "Why not?" "Is it because you suck John's di-" Thomas was quickly cut off by a pillow thrown to his face by Alex and John, both blushing madly.

During the round Alex summoned a lot of Pokémon and helpers.

"HOW ARE YOU SPAWNING THAT MANY HELPERS?" Thomas screeched as he got attacked by a few. "THAT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL!" Alex smirked.

"Can you like stop eating me for a second- NO! STOP! SPIT ME OUT!" You can tell Thomas was annoyed by Alexander's decision on Kirby.

"Like- please- oK you got my powers then." Thomas sighed as Kirby ate his character.


The majority of this is Alex torturing Thomas with Kirby.

I don't know where this chapter went-

I didn't know how to end it either oof

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