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Me and Madison were waiting for Alexander and Jefferson before we started the Cabinet Meeting. They were late which was very unusual, especially for Alexander.

I was about to go look for them when I hear the door creak and Alexander slowly steps in.

I raise my eyebrow at him. "Sorry I'm late..." he says while sitting down. "I was.... doing things..." he says awkwardly. I start getting suspicious.

Then, I hear new footsteps coming up the stairs harshly. The door swings open and it's Jefferson. He's panting heavily, trying to catch his breath. I see Madison running over to Jefferson to help him.

"HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!" He screeches while pointing accusingly at Alexander. Alexander turns red in embarrassment because he got caught.

"Push is such a strong word. I prefer to call it..." Alexander thought for a moment. "Giving you a little nudge." He finished while making a little push movement with his hands.

"OH I'LL GIVE YOU A LITTLE NUDGE WHEN I SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR AS-" Jefferson was starting to scream and lunge at him. Madison had to hold him back. 

I was rubbing my temples. Wondering how I'm going to survive with these two.

"HEY!" Alexander shouts while getting up from his chair and slamming his hands on the table.

"Watch your fucking language in front of the president!" He says while pointing to me.

They started arguing more and it was at the moment I knew...

I'm going to freaking resign.

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