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Y/N's P.O.V

"No, Adam... I'm sorry I didn't... I didn't mean to leave you!" I back away from the terrifying wolf in front of me.

<You left me for a traitor! Me, Hime, Yuki and James! For 3000 years! I hate you!> Adam stalks towards my cowering form.

"I didn't mean to leave you!" I turn to see and see Meliodas laying on the fall covered in blood, "Meli!!" I scream and run to his body sliding down to my knees, "No, no, no!"

"Princess Y/N, been a long time," I look up and see the silver haired Meliodas.


"I'm hurt, really... I'm truly hurt, you asked to see Zeldris in the Capital of Dead or whatever it was called, but not me?" He placed his hand on my torso like I've just wounded him, "I'm utterly hurt."

"Back off drama queen," I hear a strong female voice and I turn around to see a woman with golden armour and blonde hair. She looks down, "Girls stick together right?"

"Gelda?" I stand up and hug her tightly, "I've missed you..."

<Missed her? But not me? Are you fucking serious?! I'm going to kill you!!!> Adam growls and runs then launches at me to attack.

"Wake up, Y/N wake up," I feel my body shake and the people in front of me fade.

I open my eyes and look to see I'm in a bedroom in mine and my husband tavern. I notice blonde hair and turn to see the beautiful emerald green eyes I adore so much, "Meli?"

"You were calling out for Adam... Bad dream?" He sits on the bed, "Not a name I've heard for ages... Want to talk about it?"

"No, I'm sure it's nothing," I sit up looking at his shirt, "Take it off."

Meliodas's eyes widen a little, "What?"

"Off, take off your shirt," I clarify.

Meliodas blinks then follows my words. My eyes scan his chest to his left hip bone and I smile at the bonding mark standing proud. He chuckles, "One of those dreams again?" He asks, putting his shirt back on.

"Shut up, I'm allow to check. I put it there," I mumble and get out of bed going to my wardrobe then I look at Meliodas who is watching me, "I would say turn around, but you'll probably spin like a fucking Princess."

"3000 years and you've finally learned," Meliodas chuckles and walks to the bedroom door, "I'm off to go set up, see you down there."

"Yeah," I nod and start picking out an outfit.

"Y/N... He doesn't hate you, he loves you... Remember that, please," Meliodas says before leaving the bedroom.

I turn back to my chosen outside and begin to change, The demons blood in Hendrickson is gone, so is he and the seal is weak. We have to be careful from now on. Elizabeth is no longer bedridden and she seems to have leveled out more so that's all good. Merlin is staying with us and I have a feeling Ban is going to go travelling again just a hunch I have. Not happy about it, but nothing I can do about it. The people of Liones have accepted us as well as all of Britannia, we are back to being heroes of the lands and everyone is doing their bit in the rebuilding of the kingdom. I think to myself as I style my hair for the day before walking downstairs in my chosen outfit.

The Demon's Forever [Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now