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Meliodas's P.O.V

Complete nightmare, nothing around but, barely anything. All I want to do is get back to Y/N, though I know I'm in for an ass-whopping with her. It's like I'm in a tunnel and the wall is covered in rock spikes, "Welcome to Purgatory... So... Have you any thoughts... Opinions? You've got nothing but time here... So let's take it nice and slow and have a long thorough chat, Meliodas..." A familiar dark voice says.

"Not gonna happen," I reply as I put my hands on my hips and keep my eyes looking ahead before I begin to walk ahead.

"You really done got yourself slaughtered somethin' fierce this time, Meliodas," The voice said.

"You've got some morbid hobbies... Peeping' in on people to pass the time," I roll my eyes as I walk.

"Nonsense, My 'eye' of truth simply showed me everything that happened to your sorry self... Even someone the like of you, once having been stricken with the Commandment 'piety' and 'love'. There was nothing for you to do other than wait and die..."

"But thanks to that, I'm nice and freed from the Commandment now!" I grin as I walk, "And Y/N is free of whatever that was forced on to her."

"True indeed... There are only two ways to free yourself from the Commandments I've created. One, defeat the Ten Commandment that bestowed it upon you, the other is death."

"...But, it's thanks to the curse you afflicted me and Y/N with that we're able to come back to life over and over again!! Too bad for you, hehe," I chuckle.

"Ha... Ha... Ha... The tough-guy act ain't foolin' me. Is it fear? Possibly anger? I can pick up the vibrations from your trembling loud and clear..."

I tilt my head a little as I walk, "Trembling? Fear? Anger? I don't have a clue as to what you're talking about..." I frown a little as I walk.

"You insist on lying I see... Just because your life does not simply end when you die... You dare to keep up this facade... I remember a time when all you desired was to become the greatest and most terrifying of all demons, both you and Y/N... The perfect demons... But thanks to that wretched woman, these past 3000 years have gone by with slowly eroding into this useless, hollow shell of what you once were. Just who do you think it was that let you return to the form you're in now?" The voice questions, "That's right... You had chosen death and come here to Purgatory... And it was other than I that devoured those budding emotions from within you!! Now, let me further satisfy my hunger and thirst... So that we both may grow even stronger" I look up to the voice and see a shadow of a giant man I hate so much, "By taking in the nutrients of your emotions, I will regain my lost strength... And you will begin to approach the once infamous, almighty, terrifying you once were. Let us celebrate and revel in this joyous occasion... It will be marvellous, my son..."

"I'd like to fucking see you try!!!" I shout glaring at the man before flying up, at top speed, clenching my fist and gets ready to punch him. 

Y/N's P.O.V

The four of us stand on Hawks mama travelling to Liones, "Zeli and Estarossa, their magic has disappeared," I mutter standing beside Elizabeth, "Escanor no doubt," I add to no one in particular, but myself.

"The other day, I heard this in the village. The rumour that these past few days there have been refugees streaming in nonstop from the Capital is indeed true. I can feel an unprecedented concentration of evil magic in the Capital as we speak," Zaratras explains to us, back in his armour and Hawk starts telling his mama to go faster.

I glance at Elizabeth, "I know you're worried Elizabeth, but don't let it blind you..." I take a deep breath, "Remember, no matter what if we think of them, it keeps us strong and it helps to keeps them strong."

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