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Y/N's P.O.V

I walk out of the back with Howzer and Gilthunder handing the stock sheets to Meliodas, "Meli... Did you feel..." I say and he looks at me with a sad smile, "Is he?!"

"It's Ban," Meliodas places his hand on my cheek, "He can't be taken down that easily, remember."

"Yeah..." I look at Merlin, "Anything on Escanor?"

"His power level just kept rising not long ago, but then again it is past noon," Merlin says.

I look around, "Where's Adam and Hime?" I look at Meliodas.

"Sweeping the decks," Meliodas tells me and I nod, "If they are here, we all might as well pull our weights, team effort, yeah!" He pumps his fist in the air with a grin.

"Of course," I nod slowly and sit at a table near Arthur, I look at him, "Why are you doing that?"

"Like Sir Meliodas said... We all have to pull our weights," He smiles a little, "If I can't bring out my power what else am I good for?"

"My punching bag," I say and he looks at me shocked, I look at him and smile, "You will get your power and I beg you it'll be extraordinary."

"Do you see the future?" He asks.

"Seers and demon mages are two completely different things," I raise my hand looking at him blankly.

Strange energy rushes past the tavern and we all turn to the door feeling the power. Adam runs in with Hime holding a flyer, Adam goes to Meliodas handing the flyer, "One of the demon creatures just dropped a whole load of these," He tells us.

I walk to Meliodas and stand beside him as he reads it out, "The Great Vaizel Fight Festival will be held in a few days. The winner gets any wish granted?" He says.

"Vaizel?! The town that Diane levelled?" Hawk questions.

"What a tempting prize, doncha think?" Meliodas looks at me.

"No, no, no! This is definitely suspicious!!" Howzer speaks up.

"Are the Ten Commandments behind this?" Arthur asks walking up.

"Probably... What other groups would do something like using a demon to send out flyers," I look at him and smile as he blushes, I pat his head of what I can with the cat on top.

"Come on, Meliodas! No matter how you think about it-" Hawk starts but is interrupted by Hendrickson.

"No matter how you think about it, it's a trap!" Hendrickson says.

"Don't steal my line!!" Hawk scolds him.

Howzer places his hand on Gilthunders shoulder and the two talk. Meliodas walks to the middle of the room, "We can't sense Escanor anymore, so let's swing by and take a look," Meliodas says.

"A...Are you serious? Unless... Do you have a plan?" Hendrickson says.

Meliodas pushes his fist into his other hand, grinning like an idiot, "Nope! It just looks like a lot of fun!!" Meliodas turns to me and points, "No walking away from a fight this time!!"

"Jeez, it's the Ten Commandment sweetie," I smirk and lick my lips, "It'll be a lot of fun."

"You two really are made for each other..." Hendrickson says like he's lost the will pointing at the pair of us.

"Of course, why do you think I'm still here?" I ask with a giggle then look down as Meliodas hugs me pushing his face between my breasts, "It won't embarrass me..."

The Demon's Forever [Meliodas]Where stories live. Discover now