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Flickering lights...

For the whole ride through lightspeed, the lights were flickering. It made me a little bit annoyed. But I was too nervous. I am nervous because Lord Ren is at my back.

It is only a squadron leader and I inside the ship. Phasma picked us to be in Lord Ren's Command Shuttle. I want to back out at first because I am afraid of being in one room with Lord Ren. But I want to prove Phasma that I am a great trooper.

The lights finally stops flicker. We must arrive at our destination. The landing was a bit rough which is why I look at Kylo Ren. I checked on him if he is fine.

When I slightly move my head, I immediately see his intimidating figure. He looks fine. I start to think, "What is inside the mask?"

He suddenly walk to my direction. My suddenly beats fastly and my breathing got uneven. When he is near me, he stops.

The door opens and Kylo Ren immediately walks out of the Command Shuttle. I exhale the relief out of me when he didn't say any word. Me and PR-8263 trail behind him.

"Look how old you've become," Lord Ren tells an old man which is captured by the troopers. Maybe it's Lor San Tekka.

"Something far worse has happen to you," Lor San Tekka replies. "You know what I've come for," Lord Ren goes directly to the point. "I know where you come from before you call yourself Kylo Ren," the old man says.

"The map to Skywalker. We know you've found it," he finally blurts out. Skywalker?! The Luke Skywalker! He is alive?!

Lord Ren walks and says, "And now you will give it to the First Order." "The First Order rose from the Dark Side. You did not?" Lor San Tekka says. Wait! What is he talking about? Kylo Ren didn't rose from the Dark Side?

"I will show you the Dark Side," Lord Ren says as he lost his temper. "You may try. But you cannot deny the truth that is your family," says the man. "You're so right," he agrees before slashing the old man.

I suddenly see a man with a gun aimed at Lord Ren. I grab my blaster and blast his shot which cause an explosion. The man runs through the explosion and tackles Lord Ren. His lightsaber falls as the man tackles him.

I grab the lightsaber and bring it to my face. I can feel the heat on this thing. This is so cool. Then, I remember Lord Ren.

I see the man grabing a tube and what about to hit Lord Ren. I x-twirl the lightsaber before cutting the tube into half.

The man look at me in shock. I smirk inside my mask before kicking his stomach. He backs away and grabs his blaster. He blasts me multiple times which I all block skillfully with the lighsaber.

I block here and there until I finally reach the man. He kicks my side which makes me groan. I twirl the saber and slice his blaster in half. He looks at the half thing in shock.

I grab him by the collar and point the saber like a knife. "You're coming with me," I say in a monotone voice because of the helmet.

I bring him to Lord Ren. I kick his knee which makes him kneel down. He groans in pain. Lord Ren looks at me before kneeling down to the man.

They stare at each other for a while. "So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?" the man says which I got to admit, is a little bit hilarious. "The old man give it to you," says Lord Ren.

"It's very hard to understand with all the..." he motions a mask. "Search him," the Dark Lord commands me. I pat his body to check the map that he is talking about.

"Nothing Sir," I reply and he instructs, "Put him on board." I grab his arm and pull him away. We walk to the Command Shuttle.

Captain Phasma walks to Lord Ren and asks, "Sir, the villagers?" "Kill them all," is what I hear before we get away from them.

"So what's your name?" the man starts a small conversation. I just ignore him. "Hey, what's your name?" he repeats. I elbow his side which make him groan in pain. "Shut up," I say.

"Well... nice to meet you shut up," he smiles through the pain. I just roll my eyes. The Command Shuttle opens and I start to walk in it.

The man looks at the villagers and say, "No..." I look at the villagers too and see a bunch of troopers pointing thier blasters.

The execution begin and I bow my head. They deserve it, AV-3443. They don't support the First Order. They deserve it. I cool myself down.

I sit the person down and wait for Kylo Ren. "Are a man or a woman?" the man asks which make me grit my teeth.

"Just shut up, okay!"

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