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╁Kylo Ren

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╁Kylo Ren

I make my way to my office madly. I slam the door open. I unexpectedly see a stormtrooper who jumped in shock. "What are you doing here?" I snap. "Yo-you called for me Lord Ren," the trooper replies.

"What's your code?" I question so I can report this trooper to Phasma. "AV-3443, Lord Ren," she answers. I suddenly remember I ask Phasma to call her.

"Take off your mask," I instruct her and she defends, "But Sir, I might be reported if someone sees me without the mask." "I won't report you," I assure her.

She takes off her mask and put it between her arms. I look at her face and was shock. She is beautiful. She has a short black hair and piercing black eyes.

I feel if she is force sensitive, but I felt nothing. She does not have the force.

Suddenly, I get a weird feeling in my chest. I shake it off and clear my throat. "You will no longer be on Phasma's troop," I inform her and her eyes widens, "Why?!"

"Because on what you did on the village," I tell her and she begs, "I'm sorry for getting your lightsaber. Please don't kick me out as a trooper." "You will no longer be a trooper," I finalize.

Tears threatens to escape her gorgeous eyes. "You will be on my side from now on," I add and she tilts her head in confusion, "What do you mean Lord Ren?" "You will be my trooper," I tell her. "I saw how skillfull you are with the lightsaber and I will personally train you to weild one properly."

"You will move on to your own chambers. I will send a trooper to escort you," I inform her. "You will also give the trooper your trooper suit for modifications. Any questions?" I ask as I walk to my seat. "None, Lord Ren."

"Also you can call me Kylo or Ren. Don't call me Lord Ren. I will be your trainor from now on," I add. She nods and says, "Okay Kylo." I look at my back and stare at her. My heart beats rapidly as she calls me Kylo.

"What?" she asks and I tell her, "You will also have a name which is Ava." She smiles which gives me something to my stomach. "Ava... I like it Kylo," she smiles genuinely at me. "You're welcome."

She walks away with the trooper I called. I sit on my chair and use the force to lock the door. I take off my mask. I unintentionally smile when I recall Ava calling me Kylo.

Suddenly there is a knock on my door. I open it using the force and General Hux came in. "We have an incoming call for Supreme Leader Snoke," he informs me.

I walk to the room and the hologram immediately appear. "The droid will soon be delivered to the Resistance. Leading them into the last jedi. If Skywalker returns, the new jedi will rise," Snoke tell us.

"Supreme Leader I take full responsibility-" General Hux was interrupted by Snoke standing up and shouting, "General! Our strategy must change."

"The weapon is ready. I believe the time had come to use it. We shall destroy the government that supports the Resistance. The Republic. Without thier friends who protect them, the Resistance will be vulnerable and we will stop them before they reach to Skywalker," General Hux explains. "Go. Over see preparations," Snoke instructs. "Yes, Supreme Leader," Hux says and looks at me. I look at him before he leaves.

"Supreme Leader, we have the Resistance pilot's sister as a stormtrooper," I inform him and he bluntly says, "So?" "She weilded my lighsaber at the village and she used it skillfully. I would like to personally train her against the Resistance. She will be great addition as my trooper," I explain. "Excellent," he remarks.

"Also there has been an awakening. Have you felt it?" Snoke asks me. "Yes," I simply reply. "There is something. The droid we seek is abroad the Millennium Falcon. In the hands of your father, Han Solo," Snoke tells me. "He means nothing to me," I assure him. "Even you master the Knights of Ren, you never face such a test," Snoke tells me. "By the grace of your training I will not be seduced," I tell him.

"We shall see... We shall see..."

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