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We fall down and Poe catches me. "Are you alright?" he asks and I nod my head, "Yeah." Rey and Finn runs to us. "What do we got?" the old stormtrooper asks. Rey lights up her saber as a torch. But Poe lights his own flashlight. I giggled.

"We have to hurry," I say as I follow Rey. "What were you gonna say?" Rey asks her crush. "What do you mean?" Finn asks. "When you were sinking in the sand you said I never tell you before that I," Rey recalls. "I'll tell you later," he tells while I was grinning ear to ear. HE'S GONNA CONFESS!

We walk straight ahead and see a speeder. "Is that a speeder?" me and Finn say in unison. I laugh and so does he. "Perphaps we might find the driver," C3-PO suggests. "Beep! Boop! (Maybe he's dead)," BB-8 says and Poe agrees, "I think so too."

"Oh my that x charm," C3-PO remarks. "The what?" I give it a closer look. "It looks like a Sith logo," he says and I grab my lightsaber and use it as a torch. It is Sith.

"This is his speeder," Rey concludes. I walk further and see some bones. "How did he go out?" Finn asks. "He didn't," I reply.

"Beep! Beep! Beep! (Look! What it is?)" BB-8 beeps and I look at the metal. I grab and see that it is a dagger. It has something engraved that I cannot read. "I can't read this."

"Perphaps I can translate," C3-PO says. "The location of the Wayfinder has been engraved at this dagger. It's the clue that Master Luke has been looking for."

"Where's the Wayfinder?" Finn asks and C3-PO looks at us. "I am afraid that I cannot tell you," he says. "You can't read it?" I confusingly ask. "No, I know exactly where the wayfinder is. Unfortunately, it is written in Sith," he informs us. "So?" Poe asks. "My programming forbids me to translate," he adds. "So, the one time we need you talk, you can't?" Poe asks furiously. "I am incapable of translating it from Sith."

I see a snake like creature at the back of C3-PO. I stare at its eyes and sense that he is in pain. I try to find the wound and see that it is in his tail. I slowly walk to it and he hisses at me. I show him that I mean no harm. I carefully walk to the tail. I extend my hand and give him some energy to heal.

Once it was healed, he showed us a way out. I look at him and pet his head. "Thank you," I say before leaving the place.

We walk to the ship. "We cannot possibly fly that old wreakage!" C3-PO comments and Poe says, "We got to keep going. We need someone who can translate that dagger. Like a helpful droid."

"I suggest we return to the Millennium Falcon at once," C3-PO says. "They will be waiting for us at the Millennium," Poe points out and Finn agrees, "Yeah they will throw us at the pit."

Suddenly, I feel a familiar presence. "Ky..." I silently whisper. "What is it?" Rey asks and I give her Ben's lightsaber. "Hold this. I will be up in a minute," I tell her. She looks at me with worry in her eyes. "I'll be fine," I assure her. She hugs me and says, "May the force be with you always." I hug her back before leaving.

I walk to the center of the desert. I see his ship approaching. I breathe in and out. You can do this. You can do this.

I face the opposite direction. I ignite my lightsaber and I kneel down in one knee. I look on my shoulder and see him near. I start to run.

When I sense him near, I jump. I did a backflip. I cut the Tie Silencer's wing. I land on my feet.

I look at the Tie Silencer and see it breaking apart. It start on rolling to a rock. As it reach the rock, it explodes.

"Ava!" Finn suddenly calls. "They got Chewie!" he points a Trooper Transport. I extend my arm and start to pull it to me.

I see Kylo survived the crash. He also extend his arm and uses the force to pull it too. We play tug of war.

It starts to go to Ren. I scream and use all my might to pull the ship. Suddenly, it goes to me and I see Rey using the force to pull it too. Lightning suddenly goes out of Rey's hand. The ship explodes.


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