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╁Kylo Ren

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╁Kylo Ren

I walk through the woods and see the girl, alone. I ignite my saber and tell her, "That lightsaber... belongs to me." I point the lightsaber in her hand.

She ignites it and faces me. I twirl my saber and face her too. We start our duel. I notice that her stance is weak. She looks like a weakling with a saber.

She charges the saber at me but I block it easily. I cut a tree and face her again. She is struggling. I can defeat her easily.

She keeps on backing away from me and time to time she will charge at me. I keep on deflecting her saber at that time.

She climbs at the wall and I try to slice her but fail. She rolls through the ground and I try to hit her again. She is really strong with the force.

The planet starts shaking and I see a crack in a distance. I push my saber against hers so she can fall through the crack.

"You need a teacher!" I tell her, "I could show you the ways of the force." "Force?" she asks confusingly before shutting her eyes. After a second or two, she opens her eyes and escape my trap.

She goes to my back and I face her. We start our duel again. She keeps on charging and I keep on blocking. She is now stronger.

She cuts my robe which makes me fall to the ground because I try to deflect it. I stand up quickly and this time charge at her.

She points her saber at my shoulder. "Ahh!" I shout as I back away. She then slashes her lightsaber which makes me fall down. I stand up and charge again.

She holds my hand and I hold hers. We keep on pushing each other. She gets the upper hand and points the lightsaber at the ground. She then pushes me and slashes her saber at my face. I fall to the ground.

I struggle stand up and breathe. The planet then starts to shake. It created a crack between us. She retracts her lightsaber and runs away.

General Hux walks to me with a bunch of troopers. They start to pick me up and put me on a ship.

The med bot starts to patch up my wounds. Suddenly, I remember, "Ava!" I stand up and look at the planet exploding from the window.

I face General Hux and ask with demand, "Where is Ava?!" Hux looks at me bluntly and says, "I believe she didn't survive the explosion Ren." My heart stops beating. Tears starts to threaten to escape my eyes.

"Leave..." I tell him and he asks, "Excuse me?" "LEAVE!" I shouted. He leaves me alone in the room.


"My Ava..."

"I miss you..."

"I need you..."

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