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╁Kylo Ren

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╁Kylo Ren

I feel a familiar presence at Capital Ship. "General Hux, there is an escape pod at the bay," I overheard a conversation. "I'll handle it," I tell Hux. "Go ahead," he gives me a go signal.

I walk to the bay with two stormtroopers by my side. I look at the escape pod and see Ava. My Ava... The troopers escort her out. They put a handcuffs and escort her on the elevator. I grab her lightsaber.

"Ky..." she whispers, "You don't have to do this. I sense the conflict in you. On the night when we hugged, I seen the future. You will not bow before Snoke." "I see the future too Av. You and I will rule the galaxy," I share with her. She backs away from me.

The elevator door open and it reveals Snoke's throne room. I grab Ava's arm and push her in. "Who is this my apprentice?" Snoke asks me. "Ava, my stormtrooper," I answer.

"Why her?" he tells me. "She is far more powerful than the scavenger girl. I seen the power in her," I say as I kneel down to Snoke. He gets the lightsaber out of ny hand and put it in the side of his throne.

"Come closer my darling," Snoke says as he use the force to pull Ava near him. She tries to resist but cannot. "Yes my apprentice. She is indeed so powerful. Powerful than you, Ren," he says to me.

"Me and Kylo have a powerful connection that will be your downfall," she says proudly. "I am the one who bridge your mind. You don't have some silly connection. I knew you will come and try to change my Kylo Ren," Snoke says which make me look at him. "And now you will give me everything," Snoke says as he make Ava float.

"No! No! Please don't. No. No. NOOOOO!!!!" Ava scream as Snoke searches her mind. I bow my head to lessen the pain on seeing her hurt. My heart slowly breaks apart at the voice of her being hurt.

Snoke, after a minute, lets her fall down. He laughs and says, "I did not expect Skywalker to be so wise. We will give him the Jedi Order death he desires. After the rebels are gone, we will go to his planet and obliterate him the entire island."

Ava stands up and uses the force to get my lightsaber. She ignites it and runs to Snoke. But he uses the force to push Ava away. She falls to the ground and the saber falls to near me.

"And because of that, you must die," Snoke says as he makes Ava kneel to me. "My worthy apprentice, Son of Darkness, heir apparent to Lord Vader. Whether the conflict I sense now is gone, whether it was weakness, strength, complete your training and forfill your destiny," Snoke says to me.

I grab the saber and walk to her. "I know what I have to do," I tell her. "Ben..." she whispers out for the first time of calling my real name. Ben.

Snoke laughs and say, "You think you can turn him, pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind. I see his every intent."

"Yes," Snoke closes his eyes, "I see him turning the lightsaber." I turn my lightsaber and so is Ava's. "And now, foolish child, he ignites it and kills his true enemy," Snoke shouts.

I ignite Ava's lightsaber and she falls to the floor. Snoke looks at the lightsaber before falling to floor. I pull the saber and Ava caughts it. She looks at me and smiles. Which is the sweetest thing ever.

We face the Imperial Royal Guards. I look at them like a prey. I slash the first guard but he blocks it. I slash the next one and he blocks it too. I duck as one guard tries to hit me with his staff.

I point my saber at ground. Ava points her saber at the guard on my right. I can handle this...

After five minutes of fighting, we final defeated all guards. "The rebels. There's still time to save them," Ava looks at the fleet.

She looks at me. "Benny?" she asks and I ask back, "Benny?" "It's a nickname. Don't you like it?" she shyly says and I walk to her. "I like it Avy."

I offer her my hand. "Ben? What are you doing?" she wonders. "It's time to let all things die. Snoke. Skywalker. The Sith. The Jedi. The Rebels. Let it all die," I tell her.

"I want you to join me. We can rule together and bring new order to the galaxy," I tell her my plans. "Ben, don't do this," she begs, "Please don't."

"No. No. You're still holding on! Let go!" I raise my voice at her for the first time. "Join me," I offer her my hand. She looks at my hand and I beg,"Please."

She raises her hand slowly but, she grabs her lightsaber. But I stop it using the force. We play tug of war until suddenly...

It broke...

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