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I feel the sense again. "Ava," Kylo whispers out and I says, "I rather not do this now, Ky." "Ava pleas -" I interrupts him, "Why did you hate your father? Give me an answer."

"I didn't hate him," he replies. "Then why did you kill him? Rey told me that he loved you and he give a damn about you. Why did you do it?" I begin to tears up.

"Did he tell you what happen that night?" he changes the topic. "He senses my power, as he senses yours. And he feared it," he tells me. "He tried to kill me."

"Liar," I spat to him. "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. That's the only to become what you are meant to be," he gives me an advice before the connection disappears.

"Ky?" I calls out. "Ava," I hear Kylo's echoing voice. "Why happened?" he asks. "I went to the darkness... I wanted to see my parents and see nothing... Are they dead... Who am I... What am I..." I cry to him.

"You're a Dameron, Ava. You're Ava Dameron. The Resistance pilot's sister," he finally admit it to me. I looks at him in shock. "You knew," I whisper out.

"You knew and didn't tell me! I thought we were close! You traitor!" I shout at him. He runs to me and hugs me. I was shock that I felt him. I felt Kylo.

I hug him back and suddenly, I hear Luke's voice, "Stop!" Then the hut gets destroyed. I look at Kylo and he's gone. I see Rey and Luke looking at me.

I stand up and ask, "Is it true you tried to murder him?" Rey looks at Luke in shock. "We'll leave this island now!" he shouts at me.

"Stop!" I shout at him but he doesn't listen. "STOP!" I scream and kick his back. He falls to the floor. I ignite my saber and face him. "Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren?" I demand an answer. "Ava, that's enough," Rey goes near me but I force push her away.

He grabs Rey's lightsaber with the force. We begin to duel. I start to hit him multiple times but he blocks it. I kick his side, but he pushes my feet away. "Ava stop!" Rey shouts at me which got me distracted.

Luke manage to easily grabs my saber and throws it. He points his saber at me. "Did you do it? Please I just need an answer," I say as tears starts to stream down my face.

"I saw the darkness. I sense it building in him. I seen it in moments during his training. Then I look inside. It was beyond I ever imagined..." he tells me.

"Snoke already turned his heart. He brings destruction, and pain, and death at the end of every thing I love. He gets with everything what I done. At the briefest moment of pure instinct, I thought I could stop it," he tries to relieve the memories.

"I was left in shame. And the consequence... the last thing I saw is the eyes of a frightened boy who's master have failed him," he ends.

"You failed by think his choice is made. It wasn't. There's still conflict in him. If he would turn from the dark side, that will shift the tide. This could be how we win," I encourage him.

"This is not going to go the way you think!" he madly shouts at me. "Just now. After we hugged, I saw his future," I give hope.

"I'm going to him..."

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