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"Be with us..."

"Be with us..."

"Be with us..."

"They are not with us," I open my eyes and I look at Rey who is also frowning. I float down and walk to Leia. "Ava, be patient," she advices me.
"It's not impossible right?" I ask and she smiles, "Nothing's impossible." "Nothing is impossible," Rey puts her arms around my shoulder. I sigh and tell her, "I don't think I will hear the voices of the Jedi who are here before." Leia gives me a look and I sigh again.
I run to the training course. Rey follows behind me. We run freely before taking the helmet. I ignite my lightsaber first before putting on helmet. The droids starts shooting at us.

After I pass the the gap, I take off the helmet are run to the other course. I climb up the tree and slice the ribbon in half. I fall down gracefully and catch the falling ribbon.

I see Rey just climbing up the tree. "Catch up Rey!" I tease and leave her behind. I run to the gap and jump across it.

The little shooting droid trips me and I groan in pain. I stand up and start deflecting its shots. The droid manage to hit me once. I try to slice it but manage to cut trees. Then finally, I slice it in half.

Rey runs to me and smiles, "You're always greater than me." "Oh hush Rey. You are also great," I praise her. Then we start to laugh.

Suddenly, Rey starts to breathe unevenly. "Are you alright?" I ask her in worry. She looks at me and say, "My past haunts me. I don't even know who I am." She starts to cry.

I hug her and assure her, "You'll be alright Rey. You are strong and you know that. Who ever your parents are, they love you dearly. They must have a reason for leaving you behind." She hugs me back tightly. "Thank you Ava."

"Beep Beep (Uhm Ava)," BB-8 beeps and I look at him. I widen my eyes and run to him. "I'm so sorry BB-8," I apologise and push the tree away from him. "Better now?" I ask and he beeps happily.

"We didn't finish the training course. I got distracted," Rey tells Leia as we pack our stuff. "I'm not just feeling myself. I know it looks like an excuse," Rey adds and Leia says, "Don't tell me what they look like. Tell me what they are."

I look at Rey, hoping she will tell Leia but she says, "I'm just tired. That's all." Connie interrupts, "General, the Falcon still hasn't arrive. Commander asks for your guidance."

Rey gets Luke's lightsaber and says, "I will weild his lightsaber. One day." Leia gets the lightsaber. I look at Ben's lightsaber and give to Leia. "Hold it for me," I tell her and she furry her brows. "It still hurts me," I tell her. She smiles and takes it. Rey rubs my back and I rub hers.

"Beep Beep Boop! (Can I hold it for you both?)" BB-8 asks and Rey says, "No, you can't hold it for us." "Never underestimate a droid," Leia tells us. "Yes Master," we both reply in unison.

We study Luke's notes and I came across a Sith Wayfinder. What is it? Where does it lead to? My thoughts were interrupted by a Resistance pilot saying, "Rey! Ava! The Falcon's back!"

I put down the notes and go to the location of the Falcon's landing. I look the thing and it is on fire. What have they done?

I embrace Poe as he approaches. "Han's ship!" Rey exclaims as I let him go. "What did you do to the droid?" he asks and Rey says, "What you do to the Falcon?" "The Falcon is a better shape than he is," Poe defends. "BB-8 isn't on fire," Rey also defends. "At least he is not on fire," Poe laughs. "You. You're a difficult man," Rey laughs too. "Are you guys done?" I ask.
Finn approaches and Rey runs to his arms. She kiss his cheek and hugs him again. "They are so in-love," I whisper. "You want one?" Poe asks and I hit his arm playfully.

I already have one...

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