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╁Kylo Ren

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╁Kylo Ren

"Forgive me..." I say to the destroyed mask of Darth Vader. "I feel it again... The pull to the light... Supreme Leader senses it... Show me again the power of the darkness... I will not let anything stand in our way. Show me... grandfather and I will finish what you started."

"Also grandfather, I meet this girl... She knows how to use the lightsaber so well, but she is not force sensitive," I tell my grandfather about Ava. "She makes me smile... She makes my heart beats fast... She is just so amazing... She and I will rule the galaxy together."

"I think I have fallen, grandfather..."

I walk to Ava's chamber and patiently knock. "Who is it?" she asks with her sweet voice. "It's me... Ky," I use the nickname that she gave me. It's just so nice to have someone give me a nickname.

She opens the door and smiles to me, "Ky! Hi! What do you need?" "I came here to deliver your suit," I say in a monotoned voice due to the mask. "Thanks," she grabs the suit case. "We have a mission. Wear your suit immediately and report to the main bridge," I inform her and she nods, "Yes Lord Ren - I mean Ky."

"Do me a favor and don't call me Ky in front of others. Just call me Kylo," I tell her and face went down, "Don't you like it?" "No. No. No. I love it Ava but I just don't want General Hux to know that we are close," I explain and she furry her brows, "We are close?" "Aren't we?" I give the question back to her. She smiles and agrees, "Okay!"

I went to the main bridge and oversee the preparation on getting the droid. Suddenly, I hear footsteps going in. I look at the source of the sound and see a red trooper.

I approach the troopers and say, "You look amazing Ava." "Thank you Kylo," she replies in a monotoned voice. "Shall we go?" I offer and she say, "Let's."

We walk to the Command Shuttle and immediately go to the Takodana Castle, where the droid is last seen.

We land roughly and the door opens. "Stay close Ava," I instruct her and she look at me, "Yes Kylo." We walk to the now broken castle.

"Where's the droid?" I ask one of the troopers and he replies, "At the woods, Lord Ren." I grab Ava's hand and pull her alone the woods with me.
I suddenly stop. "What is it Ky?" Ava worryingly asks. "The girl. She's here," I inform her. "What girl?" she confusingly says. "The one that help FN-2187 and the droid," I explain. I see her fist clench up.

"Stay close Ava. I don't want you hurt," I tell her and go to this girl. She had the force and I can sense it. Once we arrive where the girl is, I signal Ava silence.

I ignite my saber and the girl starts shooting. I block it all her shots. She goes backward and I go forward. I see Ava at my back shooting her blaster at her too.

We go up and I use the force to stop her shooting. She looks at me with wide eyes. "The girl I heard so much about," I say before walking past her. "The droid..." I point my saber near her face and ask, "Where is it?"

Ava walk to the girl and points her custom blaster at her face. "Answer the question scavenger," she says intimidatingly. "I - I don't know," the girl manages to choke out. Ava shoots the blaster past her face which makes the girl jolt in fear. "Where is it?!" Ava demand which makes me proud. I decided to use the force to search her mind. "The map... you've seen it," I say as I search deeper.

"Sir," a squadron leader calls, "Resistance pilots. We need more troops." "Pull the division out," I say to the trooper. "Forget the droid. We have what we need."

"Ava, stay close to me," I tell Ava before making the girl unconscious and carries her on the way to the Command Shuttle.

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