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╁Kylo Ren

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╁Kylo Ren

I am at my room, laying down on my bed. I think about the memories that makes me happy.

"Take off your mask," I instruct her and she defends, "But Sir, I might be reported if someone sees me without the mask." "I won't report you," I assure her.

She takes off her mask and put it between her arms. I look at her face and was shock. She is beautiful. She has a short black hair and piercing black eyes.

I feel if she is force sensitive, but I felt nothing. She does not have the force.

Suddenly, I get a weird feeling in my chest. I shake it off and clear my throat. "You will no longer be on Phasma's troop," I inform her and her eyes widen. "Why?!"

"Because on what you did on the village," I tell her and she begs, "I'm sorry for getting your lightsaber. Please don't kick me out as a trooper." "You will no longer be a trooper," I finalize.

Tears threatens to escape her gorgeous eyes. "You will be on my side from now on," I add and she tilts her head in confusion, "What do you mean Lord Ren?" "You will be my trooper," I tell her. "I saw how skillfull you are with the lightsaber and I will personally train you to weild one properly."

"You will move on to your own chambers. I will send a trooper to escort you," I inform her. "You will also give the trooper your trooper suit for modifications. Any questions?" I ask as I walk to my seat. "None, Lord Ren."

"Also you can call me Kylo or Ren. Don't call me Lord Ren. I will be your trainor from now on," I add. She nods and say, "Okay Kylo." I look at my back and stare at her. My heart beats rapidly as she calls me Kylo.

"What?" she asks and I tell her, "You will also have a name which is Ava." She smiles which gives me something to my stomach. "Ava... I like it Kylo," she smiles genuinely at me. "You're welcome."

She walks away with the trooper I called. I sit on my chair and use the force to lock the door. I take off my mask. I unintentionally smile when I recall Ava calling me Kylo.

"Sir, we tracked the Resistance ship through lightspeed," General Hux walks into my room. "We already prepare a squadron to attack it," he informs me.

"Prepare my ship."

"Follow my lead," I tell through the coms . I manuver the Tie Silencer to guide the other Tie Fighters. I manage to blow up the cock pit in the Resistance ship.

I fly ahead and aim for the main bridge. Suddenly, I feel a sense of familiarity. Mother... The target it on the scene and all I have to do it press the button.

"NOO!!!" I hear a familiar voice. I look at source and see Ava. The look on her eyes... fear... fear of... me...

I let go of the button. But suddenly, the Tie Fighters aim for the main bridge and actually hit it. I feel a sense of pain in my chest.

I fly away from the ship and receive a message from Hux, "Ren, the Resistance has pulled out of range. We can't copy you in the system
Return to the fleet." I grit my teeth in anger before going back to the fleet.

A medical robot is fixing my stitches then suddenly, I familiar sense came. I stop the bot and find the sense. When I look at the center, I see Ava. We stare each other for a minute or two. Thinking if what we see is true.

"Ava..." I start to talk. "Can you hear me?" I ask and she just stare at me. "Yes," she replies. I stand up and walk to her but she flinches. She flinches...

"Are you afraid of me?" I ask as I look at her pale face. "N-no," she stutters. She is stuttering... She is afraid... "Don't be afraid," I say in a calm voice. "I'm not gonna hurt you," I assure her.
"How can you see me?" I wonder out loud, "You don't have the force." Ava looks at her hand and show them to me. "I've been feeling something after I woke up the other day. I'm scared... I don't know what it is... I'm scared Ky..." she says as the tears starts to stream down her face.

I walk to her and she pushes me away with the force. I fall to my seat. I look back at her but she is gone.


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