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I start throwing woods to Kylo Ren's flaming Tie Silencer. "Ava stop!" Rey walks to me and I push her using the force. "No Rey!" I scream and throw another wood.

I look at Ben Solo's lightsaber. He is gone. He is not coming back. I throw the lightsaber but someone caught it. "Luke..." I breathe out.

"A Jedi's weapon deserves more respect," he tells me, "What are you doing Ava?" "Leia is gone. Hope is gone. Ben is not coming back," I say to him.

"Rey is a Palpatine and I have the powers of the dark side too. We have the dark side Luke. We can not defeat Palpatine," I tell him about what I know.

Luke walks to me and say, "Do you believe in yourself Ava?" "I don't know anymore," I start to cry. "Why do I have to possess this powers? I am just a girl." I sink to the ground.

"Because you have a strong heart Ava," Luke kneel to my height. "You have this power because you can handle it. You are strong."

"I am not strong anymore Luke. I am a weak girl," I wipe my tears. Luke sighs. Rey walks to me and rubs my back. "Master Luke we can not defeat Palpatine anymore," she tells Luke.

"You both can defeat Palpatine," Luke encourages and Rey asks, "How?" "Because you are not strong. Rey you are stronger and Ava..." Luke grabs my chin and lifts my face. "You are strongest Ava. You both can defeat Palpatine together."

I look at Rey and she smiles at me. "We can do this Ava. Do you belive in yourself?" She asks and I smile back at her. "I do..."

I look at Luke and say, "Thank you Master Luke. For everything." "Now go to Exegol," he tells us. "We can't. I destroyed Kylo's ship," I tell him.

Master Luke teleports to the edge and he slowly lift his hand. His old X-wing rises from the water. He lands in in my side.

He gives me Ben's lightsaber and tell me, "You can bring him back Ava. I believe in you." I smile and hug him. "Can I join?" Rey asks and we laugh. She joins the hug.

"We can defeat him Ava...


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