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I through the crowd finding the gang. "We have to leave," I immediately say after I found them. "Why?" Finn asks and I simply say, "Kylo..."

"Well let's go," Poe says as we start to run to the Millennium Falcon. "Hold it right there. Looking for the Resistance fugitives. Obviously you-" he gets interrupted by an arrow on his mask. We look at the source and see a man with a droid mask.

"Follow me," he says in a deep voice. We look at each other before following him. We see a transportation and he aboard it. We follow him and go in too.

"Leia sent me a transmission," he says to us. "How did you find us?" Finn asks. The man takes off his mask and says, "Wookies stand out in the crowd." "Roooaaar! (Good to see you!)" Chewie roars at his friend and embraces him. "Good to see you too old buddy," Lando replies.

"This is General Lando Calrissian," C3-PO introduces. "We know who it is," Rey says to the robot. "It is a honor, General," Finn says. "Nice to meet you General," I smile at him.

"General Calrissian, we're looking for Exegol," Poe says straight to the point. "Of course you are," he remarks.

General opens a hologram and it shows a Sith Wayfinder. "Only two remains," he tells us. "The Sith Wayfinder," I point out, "Master Skywalker came her to find one." "Ha Ha! I know. I was with him. Luke and I are going for an old Jedi hunt," he informs us.

He snap his finger and show a creature. "He was carrying a clue that would lead to a Wayfinder. We followed his ship half way across the galaxy. Here. When we get to his ship, it was abandon. No clue. No Wayfinder," he tells us the story.

"Is his ship still here?" I ask and he says, "It's where he left it." "We need to get to that ship. Search again," Rey suggests which I agreed with.

General looks out the window and see some First Order ships. "I got a bad feeling about this," he says. "His ship is out past the lurch canon. Go."

"Thank you General," Poe thanks him and leaves the transportation. "Leia needs a pilot, General," I tell him and he replies, "My flying days are long gone. But so me a favor, give Leia my love." "You should give it to him yourself," I smile. I embrace him and say, "Thank you." He hugs me back before I leave.

"On those speeders," Poe points out. He ons the engine and I ask, "How'd you know that?" "Explain later sis," he says and abroad fastly the speeder. We take two speeder. One for me, BB-8 Chewie and Poe. The second one for Finn, Rey and C3-PO.

I use my brother's other blaster to shoot the troopers that are following us. Suddenly, they launch the troopers and they have some launch backpack.

"ROAAR! (They fly now!)" Chewie roars. "They fly now?" I question. "Yup. They fly now," Poe says as he speed up the speeders.

I aim wisely on the trooper and hit him."Roar! (Nice shot!)" Chewie says and I did a little bow. "Thank you." BB-8 starts to tap a tank and it flys. It hit the trooper. "Never underestimate a droid," I repeat Leia's words.

Suddenly, both our speeders got hit. We fall to the ground. Rey aims for the trooper and hit him. The sand starts to engulf us. "What the hell is this?!" Poe exclaim. "Quick grab something," Rey tells us. "Rey, I never tell you before that I-" Finn says before he gets engulfed. I start to move frantically and also slowly gets engulfed.

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