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"Wow..." I breathe out as I observe my new chamber. I see a big bed and a big closet. It's all black which is awesome. It's perfect.

I look at the trooper and remember that I have to give him my armor. I take it off and give it to him. "Thank you, Ms. Ava," he thanks before leaving.

I immediately lay on the soft warm bed after he left. I giggle and start to explore the room. I go to the bathroom and see a big tub. "Nice..." I smile.

Knock knock

I poke my head out of the bathroom and ask, "Who is it?" "FY-8392, Lord Ren send me to guide you to the training room, Ms. Ava," the trooper informs me.

I go to the door and open it. I follow the trooper to the training room. I recognize it as Lord Ren's personally training room. The trooper stops at the door. I look at him before walking in.

I see Kylo training with his lightsaber. I watch him in awe. He skillfully weilds it and it's so flawless. He is amazing. He is just so awesome. He will be a great leader of the First Order.

"Ava, stop praising me and come here," Kylo says which make my heart stop beating. He can read my mind? "Yes, I can read your mind," he answers my thoughts. I blush at his reply. Good thing it's dark in here.

Kylo walk into the lights and what I saw is so mesmerizing. He has brown eyes and fluffy black hair. He has alot of moles in his face which make him more handsome. He is so perfect.

"Thank you Ava," he smiles which is the first time I seen. It looks so real and genuine. He is so gorgeous. I blush again and reply, "You are welcome Lord Ren." He gives me a look. "Oh - uhm - Kylo," I smile. "Let's train."

He goes to get a small suitcase and gives it to me. "What is this?" I ask as I take it. "Open it," he instructs so, I did so. I see a shiny silver single-blade lightsaber. "Oh my gosh!" I exclaim.

"Do you like it?" Kylo asks. I look at him in the eyes and say, "I don't like it..." I grab the lightsaber and say, "I love it Ky!"

"Ky?" he asks confusingly. "It's a nickname... Sorry Kylo," I apologise. He holds my hand and says, "No. Don't apologise. I love it." He smiles which make smile too.

"Shall we being our training?"

For a whole hour, Kylo Ren taught me the basics on how to handle a lightsaber. He is a great teacher by the way. He explained it very clear to me.

Now, we are circling each other for a sparing. I attack first but he block it easily and pushes me to the ground.

"Fix your stance. It's weak. You must not fall so easily," he says as he circles me. I stand up and raise my lightsaber. This time he attacks first which he aims for my feet which I block fastly. "Hey!" I exclaim.

I twist my lightsaber and our lightsaber are now near our faces. I suddenly feel my heart is beating. It so clear. It beats faster. I look down his lips and back to his eyes. He is just so perfect. I think I have fallen.

He then now push it towards me. I widen my eyes in shock as I snap back to reality. He now twist his saber and now we are seperated.

I blink for a few times before I attack him. We block here and there that I begin to get tired. I see that his side is open so I quickly kick it. He falls to the ground. I point the saber at him.

"That was good," he compliments me as he retracts his saber. I offer my hand and help him up. "Thank you Ky," I thank him. "Come back tomorrow for training Av," he reminds me. "Av?" I question and he smirks.

"It's a nickname..."

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