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"Ava?" Rey calls and I look at Kylo. He is gone. "Master Luke is calling us," she informs me and I slowly nod. Luke finally agreed on training me and Rey.

I go outside the hut and see Luke and Rey waiting for me. "Let's get started," says Luke as we begin to go somewhere else.

Suddenly, I see a cute little creature. "Awww what are those things?" I ask and Rey answers, "Porgs, Ava. Porgs." "They are so adorable. Aren't they?" Luke looks at me and I nod furiously. He laughs and we continue to walk on top of the mountain.

"Master Luke, we need you to bring the Jedi back because Kylo Ren is strong with the dark side of the Force. Without the Jedi, we won't stand a chance against him," Rey tells Luke.

"What do you both know about the Force?" Luke asks. "It's the power that Jedi have that let's them control people and... make things float..." Rey explains. "Impressive. Every sense in that word is wrong. Ava?" he now looks at me for an answer. "It's a bond between things," I guess and Luke smiles, "Near. Lesson One: Sit here both of you. Legs cross."

Me and Rey look at each other before following Luke's command. "The force is not a power you have. It's not about lifting rocks. It's the energy between all things. The tension. The balance that unites the universe together," Master explains.

"But what is it?" I ask and Luke instructs, "Close your eyes... Breathe... Now reach out..." I close my eyes and slowly reach out.

"Oh! I feel something!" Rey exclaims while I frown because I didn't feel anything. "Really?" Luke answers and suddenly, thier voices fades away.

"Ava?" I hear Luke's echoing voice. "What do you see?" he asks. "The island..." I see a view of island. "lives..." I see some plants. "death..." I see some bones of the creatures. "a new life..." I see some plants growing. "warmth..." I see the sunlight from the sun. "cold..." I see the cold ocean. "peace..." I see some peaceful living Porgs. "violence..." I whisper.

"And between it all?" he asks. "Balance... energy... the force..." I reply.. "And inside you?" Luke questions. "The same force..." I answer. "And this is the lesson. That force does not belong to the Jedi. Can you feel it?" Luke ask.

"There's something else," I interrupt him. "Beneath the the island... a place... a dark place," I see a black hole. "Balance. From light and darkness," Luke tells me. "It's a call," I whisper out. "It's calling me..."



"Help me..."

"Please help me..."


I feel sudden touch of water. I open my eyes and breathe in and out. "You went straighten to the dark," Luke looks at me in shock. "Kylo is calling me! He needs my help!" I defend myself. Rey rubs my back in comfort. I look at her and she wipes the tears in my eyes that I didn't know I have.

"You still went in," Luke tells me and I tell him back, "I didn't see you! Nothing from you! You close yourself from the force?" Luke looks at me slowly and I say, "You did."

"I see this raw strength only once before. In Ben Solo. It didn't scare me enough then. Now it does," Luke informs me. "What happened?" I ask but he turn his back on me.

I suddenly feel the force again. I look at my front and I see him again...

Kylo Ren.

"Why is the force connecting us? You and I?" he asks and I just look at him. "Are you okay Ava?" he walks near me and I didn't contain myself, "Murder!"

"Did he tell you what happened?" he asks, "The night that I destroyed his temple. Did he tell you why?" "I know everything I need to know about you," I tell him madly.

"Ava, listen to me," he tells me and I shout, "I don't want to listen on how you murdered someone again! I can't believe I witness you killing your father! I'm not coming back! I don't want to follow the ways of the darkness!"

"I hate you!"

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