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╁Kylo Ren

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╁Kylo Ren

Aboard my Tie Silencer, I follow the Sith Wayfinder to a secret planet. I land the ship and head straight to the entrance as I ignite my lightsaber.

There is a circle in the middle so, I walk to it. It suddenly shakes and goes down. I observe the place from top. What is this place?

"At last..." I hear a menacing voice. I walk down the rock and go further. "Snoke trained you well..." the voice says. "I killed Snoke. I'll kill you," I say with determination.

"My boy... I made Snoke," the voice tells me. "I've been every voice you-" his voice shifts to Snoke's, "-have ever heard-" now to changes to Darth Vader, "-inside your head."

I walk further and see some machine. There are creatures using the machines. I see Snoke's body inside the machine. He did make him.

"The First Order was just the beginning. I will give you so much more," the voice tells me. "You will die first," I tell him.

"I have died before," he says and I follow the source of the sound. "The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered it be unnatural." I point my saber at his face. "What could you give me?" I ask. "Everything," he answers.

"The new Empire," he raises his hand and I see a bunch of Star Destroyer Flgships rise from the ground. "The might of the Final Order will soon be ready. It will be yours if you do as I ask."

"Kill the girls, end the Jedis, and become what your grandfather Vader could not," he asks. I put down my saber

"You will rule the galaxy as the new Emperor, but beware. They are not who you seem they are," he warns me. "Who are they?"

"Rey is a Palpetine..."

"And Ava?"

"Ava has the..."

"Ava has the what?"

"Ava has the most powerful force of the galaxy...

"Both light and dark..."

The Fallen Ones (Kylo Ren Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now